Installation Delayed 200+ Days in Verizon Ready Location
Enthusiast - Level 2

My internet only installation was delayed 200+ days due to the COVID situation - I must vacate my current residence no later than end of May.  I require an internet connection to continue to work.  I’m moving to a Verizon ready location (system recognized it).

What other options do I have other than to discontinue my Verizon service and utilize a competitor? Internet is considered an essential service due to the requirements of remote work and remote school. 

Are they just outright refusing protective equipment to their installation teams? I understand staff got sick - is the company not able to provide said staff with PPE?

14 Replies
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Does your new location have an ONT installed? Verizon will let you self install FiOS if these conditions are met:

  • Your new location has an ONT which can support your package (for example old BPON ONTs can't do faster than 75/75). 
  • The location has an ONT which is powered up (If Verizon can't see it, they will assume it is gone or dead).
  • If the ONT is present, the NWRK and MGMT Lights are lit. Without these, you need a tech to figure out why there isn't light coming through the Fiber.

If you can meet all three of these requirements, Verizon should be able to send you a self install kit. If you have an old ONT or no ONT, the install may need to wait for a technician to visit. Verizon is trialing a "FiOS in a box" setup according to some reports on DSLReports, but I haven't seen one of those installs yet.


Techs have died, not just gotten sick.  Verizon's current policy is no in-home tech visits, period.  Techs are not front line healthcare workers who should be asked to risk infection even with PPE (it isn't perfect).

If the location meets the requirements for a self install as Smith6612 described, you should be able to get FiOS.  The only thing I'd add to the list is the presence of an Ethernet connection from the ONT to the router location.  You can try asking their social media team for more info about the new location; you can reach them via @VerizonSupport on Twitter or  The social media team can be very helpful.

If you can't get FiOS but can get another ISP, you should seriously consider doing that.  You can always switch later if you like.

Verizon is prioritizing the health and safety of their employees and customers over profits.  You've got to give them some credit for that. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

What is an ONT?

Of course, and understandable that they’re protecting their employees.  I’m looking for solutions so I don’t lose my job - losing my job is not an option for me.  

The fact the system recognizes that Verizon was already in use is what confuses me - why require an on-site tech at all if I’m already wired for service - and even if it’s ‘sub-par’ service according to them, it’s still service that I could get without risking an employee’s life.

I’m unfortunately looking into another ISP at this time.  Unemployment is not an option.

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An ONT is the device Verizon uses to deliver FiOS services. Many people call it the "FiOS Box" that sits on the side of the house or in the basement. In short, it takes the Fiber signal coming in, and delivers your Internet, TV, and Phone service using cheaper and more common connectivity methods like CAT5e/Ethernet, Coax (MoCa) and Twisted Pair Copper (for Telephone). 

Some examples look like these:




Enthusiast - Level 2

Thank you - I’ll look for one and see if it’s inside or outside.


ONT = Optical Network Terminal.

It's the device that the fiber connects to.  It plugs into power and provides wired connections for internet, TV and phone.   As Smith6612 noted, it needs to be powered up in order for Verizon's system to see it.

Even if an ONT is present, it may not be a GPON model and may have been installed with coax for internet.  Verizon is only enabling GPON on new installs.  A BPON ONT can only be upgraded by a Verizon tech, which isn't happening now.  If it is a GPON ONT but with coax internet, you can switch to Ethernet yourself which should then enable a self-install.  Try the Verizon social media team to see if they have any more information about the location.

If you can't figure this out before you move, you should definitely get whatever service is available.  You can always switch later if needed.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I may not be able to sign up for any other service based on my investigation today.  If Verizon can't help me find some way to get connected, even with 'old' ONT equipment, I likely won't be able to work until they can get it connected.  I still need to check - not sure if it is 'old', but I'm going to guess it is.  Again unemployment is not an option - I have bills and a house that need to be paid.


To be clear, you're not talking to Verizon here.  You're talking to other users.  If you want to talk to Verizon, use the social media contacts I provided.  They'll let you know what Verizon may or may not be able to do.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Yes, I am aware and read the other posts before posting here. That’s why I’m using the term Verizon and not “your Company.” I came for assistance in what other options might be available and what other customers may be aware of.


Short story then, if it's a GPON ONT with an Ethernet connection wired to the router, then it can be self-installed.  You can fix Ethernet yourself, if you can run a cable.  You can't upgrade an ONT yourself.  So, if it's a BPON ONT, you'll have to wait until Verizon resumes in home tech visits or comes up with another solution.

Seriously, try their social media team.  They can be very helpful.  All we other users can do is advise you what we know about Verizon.  Only they can actually do anything.

Since you can't get a cable company, your other choices are a cellular hotspot or satellite based service like HughesNet.  Both are slower and more costly then cable or FiOS, but if you must have internet....

Enthusiast - Level 2

HotSpot can’t handle my workload. I found some equipment inside, but a big white box outside I need a screwdriver to open and a cable splitter in a separate area. At least it’s OUTSIDE the house, whatever it is. I don’t have a screwdriver to open it up right now.


Chances are it's an old BPON ONT.  If you're not sure, post some pictures.

If it is a BPON ONT, you're probably out of luck.  When switching to GPON, a new power supply needs to be installed inside replacing the old one, and the power cord between the supply and ONT needs to be re-wired.  Ethernet needs to be run from the ONT back into the home.  Both require a tech to work inside, even though the ONT swap will happen outside.

If you can run the Ethernet yourself, that will eliminate one hurdle.  I haven't heard of anyway to avoid having a tech do the power supply swap and power cord re-wire.

Only Verizon can tell you what they will or will not do.  Have you reached out to Verizon's social media support team yet?

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have not been able to reach them on social media yet. They are ignoring anyone in my situation.

Does anyone know what their reasoning is regarding a forced update to the ONT that requires an on-site tech? If current equipment is in good working order for the moment, why not save a headache and just use current equipment so customers don’t experience a lack in service? Even if it means only 75/75, that’s still good, decent service that could be generating funds until a tech can come on-site to upgrade equipment.


It doesn't matter if we know what their reasoning is or not.  What matters is what they will actually do.

Their policies are changing and are dynamic with this situation.  It's possible they will change again and they may come up with a way to provide you with service.  If you must have FiOS, keep talking to them through whatever channel you can.  The social media team is usually very good, however they may be swamped right now with requests similar to yours.