Internet access - widespread (national level) outage?

I haven't been able to get internet access for about a week now.  I've made several calls to Verizon support and have received various answers.  First, it was a local outage (in the incorrect city); next call - there was no outage; call last night there was a NATIONAL internet outage.  Supposedly there is a problem with the ONT unit that I have - and Verizon is supposedly waiting for  a new patch to fix the problem.   I don't see anyone else out here that appears to be distressed over a lack of service that started last week (late on Feb 22nd/early 23rd), which is making me believe that I'm getting the **bleep** runaround from tech support.

Anyone out here know anything about this?  I would think that if it were a NATIONAL problem, that there would be more noise about it...

11 Replies

I have no clue where there might be outages, but here in North Texas all appears just fine. I have not had any issues for many months.

Where are you located? If you would put your location in your forum profile it would appear automatically and people would know immediately whether they are in the same area as you. And are you in a house or a MDU (multiple dwelling unit)? What brand and model router do you have, and what lights are lit? Can you use your browser to connect to the router itself? The IP address should be unless you have changed it. (just trying to understand your issue better)

And FWIW, unless you have a brand new model ONT, I think you are getting the run-around. In the 6+ years I have had FiOS triple play I never had any problems with the original ONT, and then about a year ago when I upgraded my STBs and ran into some replacement STB quality issues, Verizon decided for some reason to replace the ONT.  And no problem with the new one either.

You might try restarting the ONT, pull the power plug, then pull one of the battery cables in the BBU, then reconnect the battery and finally the power and see. Might help.....

FiOS TV, 25/25 Internet, and Digital Voice user
QIP7232, QIP7100-P2, IMG 1.9
Keller, TX 76248


Hi Justin,

Subject line edited... Smiley Tongue

I'm in a townhouse and am currently at work so don't have the router make/model in front of me.  Everything is working and lit appropriately except for the internet light - it's orange and periodically blinks off and on slowly (about every 15-20 seconds).  Last week, it was solid orange...  phone & TV are working fine (or at least the TV was until last night's reset...)

Running the VHome diagnosics (or whatever it's called) both in wired and wireless mode gives the same result.  I've reset the router, passwords, and the ONT multiple times to no avail.  I've subjected myself to the pain of the support person going through their repair script more times than I want to remember.  After being reassured for the 2nd or 3rd time that it would be back up and running 24 -48 hrs after each call (and being assured that it would be back up this evening), I have received yet again another email message on my cell saying now that it will be back up by 9pm tomorrow  (whoo-hoo. NOT.)

So I suspect that I'm going to go home again tonight to make yet another call, but will attempt to get them to actually send someone out to waste my tim....uhm, look at/repair my unit unless someone out here has a better idea.

What ONT do you have (since the latest story is also that it will take a patch to "fix" this national ONT problem...)?


I have a 612A ONT.

Does your ONT have any lights on it? (for me, I have to use a screwdriver to open the door to see the lights) Just wondering if they look normal. If they do, then my guess is that it is either the ONT itself (which I think Verizon can pretty thoroughly test remotely) or maybe your actual fiber connection between you and the central office. But if your phone and TV work (or don't work after last night? you confused me a little there) then my guess is its not the fiber. 

I thought maybe I could give you some suggestions, but it sounds like you have covered the bases. Just one other thought - are there others in your townhouse development with FiOS? And if so, are they experiencing the same problems? I bet not, but it would be worth knowing.

Sorry I can't provide any help....

FiOS TV, 25/25 Internet, and Digital Voice user
QIP7232, QIP7100-P2, IMG 1.9
Keller, TX 76248

I'm in northern virginia and I noticed the Internet light is amber on my router. I noticed it yesterday. I tried to call 1800-my-verizon and after all the prompts I got to a busy signal! Day 2 of no fios Internet. I've posted on Facebook to see who else was having problems. A buddy near Pittsburgh hasn't had fios Internet since Monday morning. I'm typing this (very slowly) on an iPad since I can only get online with my 3G service on the iPad. I hope they fix it soon.
Usually a reboot fixes my orange internet light problems. Occasionally, I have to power down my router, leave it off, and then reboot my battery back up. After I reboot the ont/ battery back up, then I turn my router back on. The light usually will go orange first for about thirty seconds and then kicks into green, and all is well in the universe again.

If you want to try it, this its how you reboot the ont.
And if that didn't work I'd ruin to the fios store, and get myself a new router. If it was an outage I'd imagine more people would know about it

I am on the other side of the river. Montgomer County Maryland. My route goes through DC, and then Northern Virginia(Reston) to the internet. No outage here since my install in 2005. Yes I have had a bad router, but I have been hooked up with Ethernet CAT5 since my instal, so I have always been able to restore service until Verizon sent a new router next day. You may be able to drive over to one of your local FiosTV store locations and pick up a replacement router.


11750 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway
Fairfax, VA 22033

703-383-0600Mon-Sat 10-9:30
Sun 11-6

I'm in so cal. And since Friday my Conn has slow as hell. **bleep** is going on


Intermittent/no internet DSL and Home Control for a week here in the Pocono's. Calls to cust svc are useless - they have no clue and give a diff answer each time called.  This is a massive, systemwide outage.

Community Leader
Community Leader

@poconodsl wrote:

Intermittent/no internet DSL and Home Control for a week here in the Pocono's. Calls to cust svc are useless - they have no clue and give a diff answer each time called.  This is a massive, systemwide outage.

If you are on DSL (not FIOS) :

#1 Please post your Transceiver Status from your modem.

#2 If you don't know how to get them:

a) What is the brand and model of your modem?

b) If you have a RJ-45 WAN port router connected to it: What is the brand and model of the RJ-45 WAN port router?

#3 Even if you know how to get the Transceiver Status from your modem,  and if you have a RJ-45 WAN router: What is the brand and model of the RJ-45 WAN port router?

#4 Visit and post up the Traceroute the page shows, if you wish. Be aware that the final hop (bottom-most line of the trace) might contain a hop with your IP address in it. Remove that line. What I'm looking for is a line that mentions "ERX" in it's name towards the end. If for some reason the trace does not complete (two lines full of Stars), keep the trace route intact.


If you have Fiber Internet Access (not any kind of DSL)

#1 From that list that is above, do step 4 only.

#2 What is the brand, model and hardware version of your router?

For example: Actiontec, WI-MI424-WI, Rev C.

#3 While I know you have FIOS Internet, do you also have FIOS TV?

Contributor - Level 3

I sent you a private message to get your details so we can look into the trouble for you and provide a resolution.

Thank you,