MI424WR Router

I was told by the installer that this unit was a gigabyte router with 802.11n capability. Can someone confirm this for me. I built my infrastructure at home with all gigabit devices and now find out that the router may not be. If it is not gigbit/802.11n capable can I get a gigabit router so I can put my own AP and switch in place? Thanks.  Steve

3 Replies
Master - Level 2

Their are lots of versions of the MI424WR.   The latest version is "I" .  It and the "G" version before it are Wireless N with Gigabit wired ports.

The Version "F" was draft N and lacked Gigabit ports.

Earlier version were all Wireless G support .

If you have FIOS TV you must have a verizon router in your mix.  You can add you own wireless N router off the Verizon router but their are some configurations that work better than others.  Normally I would point you to some info on DSLREPORTS about such configuration, but that site is currently only partially working due to a equipment problems after a power outage.


the sticker has your revision number.   it's on the router itself. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

If your router is not one of the mentioned revisions above, you can order it online.


At this time, this is the only guaranteed way to obtain a Wireless N router from Verizon.

The technical support agents have no control over what router they send you as a replacement.  The warehouse automatically chooses a "like for like" model.

Also, FT (field technicians) have the same inventory as the warehouse.