New Router
Enthusiast - Level 3

I recently received a new router from Verizon as my old router was having problems with anything hard wired to it.  I easily installed the new router and it seems to be working fine with one exception.  My daughter has complained that she can no longer use her iPod in her bedroom as the wireless connection keeps cutting out.  It only works when she's close to the router.  We didn't have this problem with the old router.  My house is only 45 feet long so I would assume the wireless should be available in all rooms.  My old $20 Net Gear router was good to at least 100 feet.  Is there any setting on the router that I can adjust to extend the wireless distance.  Both routers are listed as ActionTec MI424WR.  I would use the manual the came with the router except that the CD that was shipped is cracked and can't be played.   


2 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

The manuals are on line here

Master - Level 1

@JohnLeite wrote:

Is there any setting on the router that I can adjust to extend the wireless distance.  

You can't change the transmit power level.

However, there are a couple of thing you can try.

1)  Try changing the wireless channel.  The router defaults to auto-select and doesn't always chode the least congested channel.  Best channels to try are 1,6 and 11.

2)  Actiontec makes a coax wireless extender.that you connect to the coax in another part of the house and has a built-in Wireless Access Point (WAP).