No internet after G3100 firmware update and parallels access installed on computers
Enthusiast - Level 2


 I have had Fios for years with 0 issues. After Verizon updated my firmware on the g3100 router to add another 5gz band on 8/20/21, any pc connected to the network with parallels access installed has constant internet dropouts. I have 1gb plan and have Ethernet from ont to router for internet and coax to router for Fios tv boxes. Local network between pc’s works fine 100 percent of the time even with no internet on those pc’s. Any device that does not have parallels access installed has no issues at all whether it’s a pc, ipad, mobile device or any other network device. If I reboot the g3100, internet on the parallels access pc’s works briefly, then drops all internet traffic but local traffic between the pc’s is not affected. Note, stopping the parallels access service or uninstalling parallels acces does not stop the internet dropouts. Only wiping the hard drive and doing a clean install of operating system of Mac OS or windows 10 will allow computers to work with no internet dropouts. If I swap my g3100 router back to my g1100 router, there are no issues whatsoever. There has to be an issue between the g3100 and parallels access. Has anyone else had this issue ? Thank you

11 Replies
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Community Leader

May you explain the meaning of "parallel access?" Are you saying a device is connected to the router through two links?

The newest G3100 firmware has Spanning Tree Protocol disabled/removed. If you were to enable switching between the two links on the device, you are going to have network congestion and outage from time to time.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thank you for the reply. Parallels Access is software that allows remote access to a PC or Mac computer.

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Community Leader

Oh. I just think of Abbott & Costello Who's On First.

Do you how does the Parallels Access work? Does it use UPnP, Port Triggering, or VPN?

Enthusiast - Level 2

TCP Port: 443 https

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Community Leader

It looks like the installation of Parallel Access change the Network settings of the computers. Can you go to G3100's Advanced, Firewall logs and send me a screenshot via direct message when the Internet drops?

Enthusiast - Level 2

I will hook back up the g3100 a little later and get a screenshot when it happens. Again, other devices do not drop out. Only the computers with parallels access installed. Thanks for your input and help !!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have this problem too, it initially presented with my two ethernet connected Macs not holding an internet (or DNS) connection with the Verizon FiOS G3100 router... Interestingly, I did not have the problem when I brought the systems into Comcast based networks.

After many hours of searching, --> *this* <-- is the solitary post I've come across that seemed germane, and led me to look at Parallels Access (PAX) as a factor.

I uninstalled PAX, first on one system to test, and then the other, both machines started functioning normally.

I know that PAX defaults to using UPnP to automatically create port forwards, so when I inspected those in the G3100's admin page, I saw that the auto-created forwards were essentially pointing incoming traffic from port 3737X to port 0 on the Mac's IP's, ie. nowhere... but this must have been causing routing conflicts.

So, I disabled UPnP and manually created corresponding Port Forward rules for Both (TCP & UDP). I needed to create individual rules for both interfaces (ethernet (en0 - port 37070)) & WIFI (en1 - 37071)) to a target computer.

After reinstalling Parallels Access, this workaround seems to function now & has restored reliable internet connectivity to those Macs along with remote access, although I now don't have UPnP for any new devices that may come into the LAN. Also, if my DHCP addresses on the Macs change, I'll need to recreate the Port Forward rules.

It seems to me that the firmware 3.x upgrade changed the way that UPnP behaves. This is something both Verizon & Parallels should work to resolve.

PAX aside, I have also noticed that the G3100's DNS Server can now only register one IP address from a computer's hostname in its internal database...

For example, if a single Mac has both ethernet & WIFI  connections (each with their own IP address, although on the same device), only one of the IP addresses (tied to the hostname) is registered & used for DNS service... so if your Ethernet IP address was registered with the G3100's DNSServer, and you switch to WIFI, you may end up with similar problems. The workaround there has been to take the computer offline, log into the router from another device, remove it's hostname/IP from the offline Devices list, and reconnect to make the router re-register the hostname/IP combo. Meh.

I don't know if this is related to the new DNS Rebind Protection, but adding exceptions  or disabling didn't seem to change the outcome.

Thanks for your post, it pointed me in the right direction for at least a temporary solution.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi Ken,

Thanks for the reply on 10/4/21. I just read the post now. I am stil using my g1100 router for now with now issues but I need to switch back to my g3100 for a Fios tv one wireless connection. Can you please explain your port forward 

I needed to create individual rules for both interfaces (ethernet (en0 - port 37070)) & WIFI (en1 - 37071)) to a target computer.

in a little more detail ? Are you still using this method or have you found a different solution ?

Thanks Jeff

Enthusiast - Level 1

Hi Jeff - I have Parallels Access installed and the G3100 router and I also began to have Internet dropouts in early September. And I've struggled with it now for two months. Thank you for your post. I no longer use Parallels Access. But it is still an installed application. So my question is not how to get it Parallels Access to work but how to restore the settings so the Internet dropouts go away. When you talk about removing Parallels Access and doing a clean reinstall, is that wiping the drive clean and restoring from backup (Time Machine) or is it wiping the drive clean and reinstalling all software one by one? I'm not technical enough to understand how to configure the routing tables. I just want to get my Verizon service working again. Should I go ahead and remove the Parallels Access app? Can you coach me a bit on what I need to do or what a technical support person needs to do? Thanks so much.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi Bizmark,

  What I did to stop the intermittent dropouts was to backup all my data, format the hard drive, do a clean install of macOS and then all my other programs and not install parallels access. Please read the reply from 10/4/2021 to see how another person did a work around. I still have my older g1100 router hooked up so I do not experience the dropouts now, but I need to get my g3100 back into the system for a wireless Fios tv one.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Hi Jeff -

This issue is now "resolved" for me. I uninstalled Parallels Access and rebooted. I've not had any timeouts for over 24 hours, something that has not happened since early September. Fortunately I no longer have a need for Parallels Access so I can get by without it.

This has caused me quite a bit of trouble. I've probably got 40+ hours invested in finding out what happened. Verizon tech support has been responsive, they sent me a new G3100 router and they sent out a technician to check the cabling. One interesting sign that the problem may not be just with Parallels Access is that when I put in the replacement G3100 then the device for my 2nd TV would not connect. The technician gave up trying to make it work and put in another.

Parallels Access has been in use for a long time and my version was over 2 years old. So one would have to assume that the trouble can be attributed to Verizon's hardware update. I've sent a link of this thread to Parallels and I will send it to Verizon's tech support. Let's hope they fix it soon. 

Thanks again for your post. It resolved a big problem for me.
