Password Oddity

On my UltraLine Series3 Model 9100EM Router (OEM from Verizon), whenever I go to enter my password to get into my router's main settings, the password does not enter.

Let's say my password was "artichoke".

If I were to type that in, it'd end up looking like this: "***************************************", with several characters for one simple keystroke. Why is it doing this? I just want to forward a few ports to be able to do some gaming.

2 Replies
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That feature is there for security, Verizon Cliams.

Please ignore the fact that it is showing up that way.

If you can't log-in, then please post....

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@Robma wrote:

On my UltraLine Series3 Model 9100EM Router (OEM from Verizon), whenever I go to enter my password to get into my router's main settings, the password does not enter.

Let's say my password was "artichoke".

If I were to type that in, it'd end up looking like this: "***************************************", with several characters for one simple keystroke. Why is it doing this? I just want to forward a few ports to be able to do some gaming.

As stated it's meant to be a crude security thing to stop someone looking over your shoulder from seeing how many charcters are in your password.

If you can't login then reset the router by pushing and holding for 10 secs the button on the back of the router.  You will then be prompted to login, userid admin, and are asked to select a new password.