Perodic disconnects

For the past week or so I have been expieriencing random disconnects.  Happens about 3-4 times during off-peak hours and happens about 10+ times during peak hours (6PM+).  I have tried changing out modems, and phones cords but it does not help.  When I disconnect, my internet light on my modem goes out and my DSL light starts flashing. 


I recently changed my service package from internet only to internet and phone services.  My old service was supposed to be deactivated and my new service was supposed to be activate today.  I called Verizon and they said my old service has in fact been deactivate, and I have gotten an email saying my new service has been activated.  My phone currently is not working, but im still able to connect to internet, even though it goes out periodiclly.  When I talked to the verizon guy he said give it till 630 PM for the new service to be activated, even though I told him i recieved an email stating that its been activated.

I ran a diagnostic report on my modem (westell 6100)

All Entries


        DSL Modem Status.......  Up

        PPP Session Status......  Up

        Connection Type.........  PPPoE

        Time set from.............  Local

        Time since last boot....  0 days, 0 hrs: 12 mins: 44 secs

Events are listed starting from the most recent.
MON JAN 11 13:49:01 2010
      Setting System clock to Local time MON JAN 11 13:49:01 2010

MON JAN 11 13:49:01 2010
      Time set from Primary SNTP server:

MON JAN 11 13:49:01 2010
      DNS: Unknown host: ''

MON JAN 11 13:48:59 2010

MON JAN 11 13:48:58 2010
      Connecting session(2): non **bleep** due to AlwaysOn

MON JAN 11 13:48:50 2010
      US Atten:     23.0 DS Atten:     33.5

MON JAN 11 13:48:50 2010
      US Margin:      9.0 DS Margin:     22.5

MON JAN 11 13:48:50 2010
      US Tx Power:     12.1 DS Tx Power:     21.5

MON JAN 11 13:48:50 2010
      US DSL Rate:  743 kbits/sec DS DSL Rate: 3355 kbits/sec

MON JAN 11 13:48:50 2010
      WanMgr reports DSL is UP

MON JAN 11 13:48:47 2010
      Set time zone offset to -5:00.

MON JAN 11 13:48:29 2010
      Model number: E90-610015-06

MON JAN 11 13:48:29 2010
      Software version: VER:

MON JAN 11 13:48:29 2010
      Product: WireSpeed Dual Connect
              Model: NAT Combo

end of diagnostic log file

I'm getting a little irritaed at this and Verizon's either lack of knowledge or lack of motivation to fix this problem.

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