Price increase during the contract!?!?

I noticed my price increased by 2 dollars due to higher equipment charges in the middle of my 2-year contract. I first text a verzion person who, for 45 min, was trying to make up things about the reasons for the higher rate. My question was simple: in the terms of service where does it say that Verizon can increase the equipment charge. In the end he told me he doesn't know and that i have to contact customer service. I called and after a horrendous . I hope this was taped because noone should ever talk to anybody, let a alone to a customer, the way she talked to me. She said that every contact between a customer and Verizon is a verbal contract and that Verizon can change the equipment charge whenever they want!!!!!! Again, no answer to my question where does this say in the terms of service. She called the legal department which, of course, has nothing to do with this. Can't wait for my contract to end.

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Hi DCu,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please check your Private Message Inbox for a message from Verizon_Support. You can find your Inbox by clicking on your username at the top right corner of this page. Please direct all correspondence concerning your issue to the agents, who will be assisting you privately.