REDUX: Fios G1100 Router Intermittent Drops Internet Connections
Enthusiast - Level 1

In hope of helping others who might face similar issues, I'm posting this follow-on to this previously closed entry (...approx 12/5/2023).

After reaching Verizon's phone support, they scheduled a technician to come out and equipment their equipment.  They replaced the Optical Network Terminal (ONT) -- since we were early adopters the ONT was a very early version, they replaced it with a module one-eighth the size of the original.

Replacement of the ONT saw a decrease in Internet drops to at least one-fourth or less of the number of times  that raised our concerns.

FYI: How to track and record home Internet drops?

Try a simple persistent command line batch file that "gently" pings a destination outside the home network.

@echo off
title PingQ
if %1 == "" exit
echo Started session at
time /T
:: Find errorlevel 0 on success, 1 if not
:: Note use of %1 for 1st command line parameter

ping -n 1 %1 | find " (100% loss)"
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
time /T
ping 1 %1 | find " (100% loss)"
if NOT %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
goto loop1 )
timeout /t 15 > NUL)

goto loopname

Here's Hoping this helps someone!

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Community Leader

There are connection logs stored on the Verizon CPE, namely the Verizon router you are using. A customer-created tool is useful, but its output is generally inadmissible in terms of troubleshooting by the official channels.