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Severe weather reminder for our HSI customers...
For information on HSI modem resets, click here.
Due to extreme weather conditions, there may be storm related power outages in your area. Your internet services will be affected until power resumes. If you do not have power please contact your local power company. If your power is restored and your internet services are still not working, you can report an outage, check status, request a new repair or update an existing repair online at www.Verizon.com/repair . If some of your Verizon services are working, but not all, you can use the In Home Agent application on your PC to troubleshoot and restore services. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Solved! Go to Correct Answer
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You could always say "Agent..." after you get past the telephone number prompt when you reach the main menu. Even with the issues relating to the hurricane, wait times through that avenue shouldn't be any more than a few minutes. Of course, don't overuse it if you can get to where you need to go through the voice promts (Such as DSL Technical support) which is a simple stroke of 1 and then 2 on your numpad the last I've checked.
I also find it best to talk to the reps in a calm voice without a sense of urgency. They tend to help out a lot more when they aren't being screamed at or rushed to try and make a fix. Also, if you guys are having trouble with speed on your DSL line, post up about it in your own thread and I'll be sure to take a look at it.
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I live in the UK and have a place in Orlando. Have just been told the internet and phone are dead as a dodo bird!!!
I have tried to contact veizon but to no avail. Can someone tell me are they having difficulties in the Haines City region as its annoying when youre 4000 miles away and cannot get to talk to anyone in the support centre
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large tree is leaning against the phone lines at the bottom of my hill. dangerous situation. Paulriley
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This is ridiculour Verizon. I agree this weather related "excuse" is getting old. The challenge begins with calling the international call center, and they refuse to give a ticket number. Once you spend anywhere from 25 - 45 minutes on a call, trying to get a ticket number and arguing to get a ticket number, by then your a very upset customer. From here the challenge becomes who will verizon blame, cabling or network. Our service is terrible, and it's time Verizon steps up to resolving the problem. I pay $89.00/month mainly for internet (because my home phone does not ring), and the service is lousy. I have had technician after technician appear at my door, to check my line. What do you not get???? the problem is not the line to my house or in my house, how many times do the techicians need to prove this, before we get proper attention. Let's the skills to get this corrected, I am way over this frustration.
Here is an example of my outage... hopefully you can understand my frustration
9/5/2011 12:00 AM 9/4/2011 11:00 PM 12:00 AM 1 hour 9/2/2011 6:00 AM 10:30am 16.5 hours 8/15/2011 12:00 AM 10:28 AM 10.5 hours 8/14/2011 12:00 AM 12:00 AM 12 hours 8/13/2011 2:00 AM 22 hours 7/13/2011 7:15 AM 10:45 AM 3.5 hours 7/12/2011 12:00 AM 10:00 AM 10 hours 7/11/2011 6:00 PM 11:59 PM 6 hours 7/11/2011 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 30 minutes 7/2/2011 7:00 AM Unknown 7/1/2011 10:30 PM Unknown 7/1/2011 6:00 AM Unknown 6/30/2011 6/29/2011 7:40 AM 10:00 AM 2.5 hours 6/28/2011 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 1/2 hour 6/28/2011 6:00 AM 12:00 PM 6.0 hours 6/27/2011 12:05 PM 4:30 PM 4.5 hours 6/27/2011 8:30 AM 9:27 AM 1.5 hours 6/20/2011 6:00 AM 10:30 AM 4.5 hours 6/7/2011 6:00 AM Unknown
A company this size and charges $90.00 a month for service, should be taking action for these outages.
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Verizon is really ridiculous. They have probems both with wireless, home phone and internet service. I am holding on to this company by a thin line. I have been calling them for the past week becuase my Internet keeps going on and off again. Everytime I call and the internet is fixed according to them , the next day it goes out again. How do you expect me to pay for a service that I have hardly been able to use for the last week and a half! Finally there is supposedly someone coming by to fix it 9/08/11 if this problem is not resolve by then I am leaving verizon.
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My phone and Internet have been out since 8/28. The repair ticket still says my service will be back on 9/8????? As a COMMUNICATIONS company your customer service stinks. It is impossible to get a live person on the phone that can update when service will be restored. I will likely switch to another provider shortly.
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My husband solved our outage! We lost all internect connectivity Monday, it was down for 2 days. When it came back, we were barely able to connect. It was literally running at dialup speeds. Every time he called, he said a very polite and pleasant person from the Indian Subcontinent attempted to correct the problem and promised a technician would check the lines. After 4 days, he (my husband, not the tech support fellow in India or Bangladesh or wherever) started saying words he learned in the Army. Then he called comcast. We checked the DSL speed this afternoon one last time, still blazing along at .78 MbPS on the Verizon connection. Compared to the 24 MbPS on the Comcast. 5 yeaers ago we were singing Verizon's praises, these guys used to be golden. Don't know what happened, but it makes no sense to stick around at this point.
It's been swell, but the swelling's gone down.
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If you don't have internet service how do you go on a verizon web site?
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They either found Wi-Fi that was open to use at a Coffee shop, for example or were able to borrow a working connection.
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i live at {edited for privacy} jersey city, new jersey, line down in the street cars can not come through.
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I am again experiencing intermittent failures with my DSL.
First there should be an easier way to check DSL status; the support line makes you jump through hoops without being able to speak to a representative.
If I am told to reset my modem one more time I will reboot someone's butt; this has nothing to do with the weather related failures that I have been experiencing since December.
Every time it rains or get windy my DSL service becomes unreliable.
If this continues I will be looking into cable.
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Westell modem, wired network (nothing is wireless). If there are t-storms anywhere within the region I start with the intermittent dc's and escalate to complete loss of internet when the storm arrives. I lose connection for hours. And no, not on my end... reboot and restart everything and can't check status online BECAUSE I CAN'T GET ONLINE.
Why does this happen to everyone?
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@lordthor2001 wrote:Westell modem, wired network (nothing is wireless). If there are t-storms anywhere within the region I start with the intermittent dc's and escalate to complete loss of internet when the storm arrives. I lose connection for hours. And no, not on my end... reboot and restart everything and can't check status online BECAUSE I CAN'T GET ONLINE.
Why does this happen to everyone?
It's what happens when there is a lack of shielding or wiring is allowing noise into the line. Thunderstorms are well known for blowing up the error counts (CRCs specifically) and bombing the SNR briefly whenever there is electrical activity in the air. VDSL (The Standard) and VDSL2(+) is known for having issues on degraded lines and dropping out for the same reason you're seeing issues due to the high frequencies they use (which are, by the way easy to weaken. Consider how radio waves are!).
Think of the trunk line as a giant antenna with noise shielding over it. If a part of the shielding is missing, you've got noise asking to come in. On longer lines, you also have a longer antenna, meaning any lack of shielding can make a bigger difference on how much the line can tolerate. Speed also determines tolerance; higher speed means less tolerance. A lack of twist in the cabling as well, since twisting cable pairs helps to reduce noise as well, can also cause things.
If you're seeing drops, Verizon needs to check for an issue on their end as they have the longer bundle of wiring.. Home wiring is typically not a problem as noise issues from lightning won't easily be picked up by home wiring unless it's in really bad shape or lightning is rather close, but it is a good idea to isolate it using a Home Run and good Twisted Pair Wiring.
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Thanks for the info. And I'm sure some of the main lines are bad around here considering my internet starts dropping out when t-storms are 50 miles away, lol. That and the water company was pulling pieces of lead pipes out of the streets recently.
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For myself I blame the poor phone service during bad weather on the lack of maintenance on the telephone lines coming in from the poles. These lines were installed 33 years ago and have never been upgraded to my knowledge. My line had two separate sets of wires (one for a second line). About ten years ago one of these lines failed completely due to squirrels biting the line. The Service man simply switched to the other carrier line. Now I have no where to go except to wait for Verizon to fix the lines coming in.
A simple phone call for service with a real person seems to not be possible.
I would love to see a VIOS truck come in so we can switch but it is not yet available.
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I've had the same issue...squirrels shewing on the line. 10 to 15 years ago Verizon would replace the line for me every 3 to 4 years when the voice quality degraded.
Now Verizon service has degraded as we have been having issues since October and it took them 2 months to finally agree I was correct...the squirrels have buggered the line again...but now I am on my 5th day of having the line replacement appointment pushed back daily by their automated system.
{please keep it relevant}
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After reading the posts, I found out I am not alone. My next phone call is to Comcast. I am not even going to waste my breath calling this company again. Oh and Verizon if we dont have Internet service how do we get online to check things. You dont have a clue!!!
I had to go buy a virgin mobile to get my internet working, I will be sending Verizon the bill for this. I have a business and have been trying to get online since Thursday, I have clients screaming for reports and my hands are tied. And Verizon does not care about the customer.
I have been on the phone with them every 2 hours nagging. The most recent excuse is "its the weekend and we are short staffed". Most companies call in more workers to get things fixed.
I will not recommend Verizon to anyone and I will let everyone know what kind of service they do provide.
I did speak with a nice gentleman who tried everything to get through to the main office to get things fixed and they just ignored him too and he works for this company. They are a total joke!!!
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I can appreciate your comments but I have been polite and calm to the agents and after two months I still continue to have problems with internet connectivity. I have tried all of their recommendations and it has become a joke. They even sent me a new router but that did not solve the problem. I have been with Verizon for over 10 years and I have worked with computers for over 25 years and I find it offensive when I am treated like I do not know what I am doing.
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Bullcrap! Today is the 5th day in a row that I have been waiting for the technician to show up to replace the line from the pole to my house. Each day Verizon promisses to be here by a certain time, never shows up, and then promises to be here the next day.
Perhaps I this 30 year customer should switch to Time Warner....they atleast give the customer the courtesy of a phone call if they cannot make the scheduled appointment and ensure they make the 1st rescheduled one.
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"When it rains, it .... STOPS" Period. I just upgraded to "Enhanced" and its slower than the regular HSI which I'm going back to. BTW To skip all that automated baloney, just scream into the receiver. You'll be amazed how fast you get a real person. Used and abused in Highlands