Should the SSID from the Quantum and the Coax Network Extender Pair?
Enthusiast - Level 1

I purchased a verizon actiontech nextwork extender yesterday.  Installed it today.  Followed the directions, but now I have my primary network SSID from the Quantum showing up, as well as two new SSID's from the extender.  The directions say you should be able to use the original SSID ID and pw from the quantum. The only way I've been able to connect to the extender is to use the SSID and PW printed on the extender.  I've been on the phone for an hour and a half wtih verizon and they can't figure it out.  

My IT guy said it should pair after about an hour and the two new SSID's will go away and it should work off the original one.

How is this supposed to work?  Should it be the same SSID throughout the house and it automatically switches as you move room to room with the strongest signal?

3 Replies
Master - Level 1

Yes they should pair but there is a glitch with the FGQ update so the extender must be configured manually until the nest update is released.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Thanks for the quick reply!

When you say configure it manually, what do you mean?  Changing the SSID and PW of the extender to the SSID and PW of the main verizon router?

If so, what is the trick to that?  I brought a laptop to the extender and plugged the extender (from port 1) directly to the laptop and tried to go in through

The GUI page loaded and user name of admin was already populated.  The labeling on the extender said the PW was admin as well.  I put admin in 10 or 12 times and it kept rejecting the pw. 

I have to be doing something wrong... Suggestion?

Enthusiast - Level 2

Just login to the extender by the IP and make both networks match. The easiest way to get the IP is login to the G1100 and find out what it is currently using. password is admin/admin.
