Slow DSl

Enthusiast - Level 1

I know nothing about computers, but I do know I am tired of very slow DSL or no DSL that we are paying for. We have had Verizon DSL for years and it started out fine. Now I can't use my laptop in my family room. I have to use it beside the desktop which is beside the router and most of the time neither one will download Email or the websites won't open. It takes forever to open up pages form internet. We have been on the phone for hours and hours with Verizon and sometimes all work well for awhile, then it starts all over again. I'm completely fed up! If I had other options I would try them, but we are very rural and were about the first to get DSL here. We have brought other routers but couldn't get those to work. Verizon told us last time that our router only has about 40 feet of strength,funny, it was working in my family room before, which is a lot farther away then 40 feet. So what is Verizon up too. Are they trying to make us upgrade to more expensive service? I need a computer for on line continuing Ed. Don't know what to do. Thinking of calling Dish to see if they can do any better. 

4 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

First speed u get from you're dsl line is determined by distance from you're provider. Verizon will sell you anything they can. If you have a service person come to you're home they can tell you the speed you can actually get at you're distance by conecting to you're hardline. If you are paying for say 7mg line and getting 2mg you will have dropouts from the system trying to *catch up*. In my case for 2years I have lost signal everytime it rains because a box on pole outside my house gets rain inside.No one at verizon can acctually step up and say replace the box.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Step one: Visit and post up the Traceroute the page shows, if you wish. Be aware that your non-bogan public IP Address will show up.  It might shown up as the final hop (bottom-most line of the trace)  might contain a hop with your IP address in it. Either remove that line or show only the first two octets. What I'm looking for is a line that mentions "ERX" in it's name towards the end. If for some reason the trace does not complete (two lines full of Stars), keep the trace route intact.

For example this what I see

    traceroute to 71.242.*.* (71.242.*.*), 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
    1 ( 13 ms 13 ms 13 ms
    2 ( 39 ms 7 ms 7 ms
    3 TenGigE0-2-0-0.GW1.IAD8.ALTER.NET ( 4 ms 4 ms GigabitEthernet2-0-0.GW8.IAD8.ALTER.NET ( 4 ms
    4 ( 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms
    5 ( 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms
    6 static-71-242-*-* (71.242.*.*) 32 ms 32 ms 33 ms

Step two: Can you provide the Transceiver Statistics from your modem?

#3 If you don't know how to get that info:

a) What is the brand and model of your modem?

b) If you have a RJ-45 WAN port router connected to it: What is the brand and model of the RJ-45 WAN port router?

#4 If you have a RJ-45 WAN port router connected to the modem, even if you know how to get the Transceiver Statistics from the modem: What is the brand and model of the RJ-45 WAN port router?

Enthusiast - Level 1
I really don't understand everything you have said in your post, but will try to get to the site you recommended. I do know we have a Westell Versalink 327W router. When we ask Verizon if it could be our router that is the problem, we were told that the Westell was better then the newer ones. I don't know what to believe,except it has taken minutes just to open this page and well over 10 minutes to download 39 Emails this morning. However on Friday evening everything was fast. I can't even open some wed sites this morning, keep getting "wedsite unavailable". Had to open Verizon page through and old Email we keep so we can get in touch with them. Our router shows that DSL is on and we are connected to internet, like I said it's soooo slow or won't connect at all. I give up. Thanks for your info though. We will try it and see if it helps. Looking for other options also. We don't have many choices in the country like those in cities do.
Community Leader
Community Leader

Based upon the brand and model of your DSL modem:

Visit for me and do the following:

a) If you see a Blue and White Westell page, mouse over Troubleshooting, go to DSL, and choose Transceiver Statistics. Copy and paste the information on that page.

b) If using the Red and Black Firmware: Go to System Monitoring > Advanced Monitors > Transceiver Statistics. Copy and paste the information on that page.

c) Try visiting which is a direct link to the Stats on older modems.

d) If you need a Username and Password, try the following:





admin/Serial Number.

By Serial Number, I don't mean type in the words ]Serial Number. I mean find and type in the serial number found on the bottom of this router.