Spring is in the air, and right on cue my Verizon DSL stops working. AGAIN
Enthusiast - Level 3

Some background. I have Verizon DSL service, with a phone line dedicated to its use. The phone line is used for nothing else, and has the required filters attached.

Two years ago, when spring arrived, we began have trouble with out internet connection. Our modem would get a red light on the Internet connection. This would happen every day between 10am and noon, and would last from minutes to hours. I spent hours on the phone with Tech support. They reduced speed, which was unnacceptable and did not work. They sent a tech to our home twice that summer to replace lines inside the house, replace line outside the house, make adjustments at  the central office and the local "hub". Nothing worked. Fall came, the issues stopped, and everything worked fine thoughtout the winter.

Last year, spring arived, we began to have trouble with out internet connection. Same thing as the previous year. Called tech support. Told them that I had done this song and dance the previous year. I would not start from the beginning with every single call, I would not turn off/on the modem, give model numbers, check direct lines from computer to modem. I had done it all the previous year. I thought surely there was some kind of record for my account that could be accessed. To no avail. I spent countless hours and days on the phone with tech support. I spoke with techs, supervisors, managers, talked, yelled, got nowhere. They sent a new modem. Nothing changed. They sent the same tech to my home as the previous year. He still didn't know what the problem was. Changed the phone jack. Changed a different line outside. Still didn't work.

I came on here and left a lenghthy message voicing my frustration. I was told that someone from the US tech support office would contact me (Executive Appeals). The representative from there was very helpful. He explained what each of the lights on the modem did and what blinking/not blinking/ off/red actually meant. He had them change the modem at the central office. Problem solved, I thought. We had out normal running speed of 3360/863 again. No more internet cutting out daily. But, it was fall. Apparently, this would have happened anyway. Because...

This year, spring arrived, and we are having trouble with our internet connection. We have any and all combinations appearing on the modem. The internet cuts out at all times of the day and night. It stays off for minutes to hours. Internet flashes, turns red, goes out. DSL and DATA blink, stay on, alternate blinking speeds. Sometimes the phone line has static, other times it doesn't. There is no pattern to anything.

I have not called normal tech support. The people in India are clueless, have never come close to solving the issue, and I will not waste my time and cell phone minutes talking to them. I saved the phone number and all information for the US representative I spoke with last year. I have left 2 messages for him over the past week. He will not return my call. Our internet speed had gone from 3360kbps/863kbps, to 2928kbps/860kbps, to 2560kbps/860kbps, to 2112kbps/860kbps over the course of the last week, as shown on the verizon modem page. This is what they do every year, and it in UNACCEPTABLE. Slowing the speed accomplishes nothing, since we still have the same problems. All that changes is we have DSL service that runs a little faster than dial-up.

If anyone out there has a suggestion as to what I can do to fix these issues after 3 years, please let me know. Apparently no one at Verizon knows how to address the problem.

8 Replies
Moderator Emeritus

Hi Theresa100,

Please go to your profile page for the forum by clicking on your name, and look at the top of the middle column where you will find an area titled "My Private Support Cases".  There you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.

Customer Service Rep

We have not heard back from you on your Private Support case.

We hope you were able to find resolution to your issue.

If you require further assistance, feel free to make a new post, and we can be sure to look into your issue.

Ali Adam

Enthusiast - Level 3

Your  problem   is exactly the same as  mine  except they told  me  I  live too far    (1 mile past the golden  1mile circle) to get reliable  service.   I  had  high speed   they reduced  it  now  they tell  me  my service cannot support  using  things  like  netflix.  They  had  the audasity to  send  me a  maileg  offering the higher speed  when   I know  they can't provide  it.   My  internet went  out  17 times  yesterday alone.  I think  the real  proble  is   two  fold.   More customers than  they can support and those  of use who  use  our connection  for longer periods  are   being encouraged to  get  off  line and only use  it for  5 min  periods  onece a week.  I am  frantically searching for   service from  someone    else.     I think all   users with thse problems  need to file complaints  with the FCC     enough reports  with the FCC  Verizon  will be investigated and fined for their  practices.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Verizon Reps,

I have not been to my private message thread "Spring is in the air, and right on cue my Verizon DSL stops working. AGAIN"  since the beginning of June. The problems I was experiencing have not been fixed, but I was not posting because nothing was happening for a while. My Verizon Appeals rep was trying to figure out what to do.

She has since had 2 techs come to the house. The second one just recently. He changed something in the box a few blocks away. This not only didn't fix it, but has made the issue more prevelent than it was before. I would like to record all of our outages and lost connections, but the thread appears "closed".

At this point, I'm not sure it matters. The rep all but said that she has no idea what to do to fix it, or if it can be fixed. Fresh out of ideas, I guess. But I'd still like to keep track, since we have been without internet more than with for the last few days.



Customer Service Rep

Hey Theresa, we have closed your private support case out due to no response. It sounds like your services are working okay for you now.

If you ever need anything, please feel free to make a new thread.

- Jose_VZ

Enthusiast - Level 3

Last year I had endless issues with my DSL service. I began a thread with the title above, which I posted to all summer. As usual, come October the issues resolved themselves, so I have not posted since then. Not so usual, today, 2-3 weeks earlier than normal, we lost service for 2 hours. I have added a post to the thread that I used last year with a question for your support group and/or Presidential Appeals. Please let me know if someone can respond there, or if I need to begin a new thread that will not have last year's history attached.



Moderator Emeritus

Hi Theresa100,

Your private support case has been reopened.

Customer Service Rep

Since we have not heard back from you within the last 5 days, we are closing out your support case. If you have any additional questions please feel free to create a new thread. 