Terrible Customer Service (cont.)

Enthusiast - Level 2

My other support case was marked as "resolved" so I can no longer post in that thread, but nothing was actually resolved. Here is the original post: 

All I want to do is switch the account name holder from a previous tenant who no longer lives in our house, or in the area, to my name. I've done this through a variety of other companies, never taking more then a painless 5 minute phone call.


The old tenant has called at least 3 times, along with trying online reps, with little progress. He finally was told that everything was ready to switch over, and I just needed to call with the issue number that he passed off to me.


The rep I talked to acted like I was a complete idiot and extremely condescending, speaking to me like I was 5 years old, and not a customer paying close to $200 a month for this embarassing service. He repeatedly refused my request to speak to a supervisor, telling me "I'm not going to transfer you". He finally did, saying very sarcasticlly that he didn't know how long this would take, and left me on hold for 30+ minutes. The supervisor gave me the same speech, and happily set me up with a number to cancel all services without any attempt at figuring out the situation. 


They informed me the account holder would need to call back AGAIN, with me on the phone (somehow, since he's not in the area) at the same time, get an order #, give me the order #, have me call back again, and then pay $70 in "activation fees". 


Not sure what is being activated, since literally nothing about our service is being changed except for the name on the bill. As many shortcomings Comcast has, I know for a fact that there are no bogus fees to simply switch an account name. We have now put hours into what should be a very straightforward and painless task, and I am about ready to call it quits.


Is there an email or number to call to formally file a complaint? I've never dealt with worse, ruder and less knowledgeable reps then through this company. 

There was no response from me on the forums because I was busy still trying to contact someone from Support. After back and forth emails, I missed their 1 call to my phone. They asked for a time to contact me, I told them, and received no call at that time. I was emailed again, referring me back to the impressively unhelpful online chat. On the chat, i was once again told that they would need to call both account holders, while charging me $70. So basically after 3 weeks of dealing with what should be a 10 minute issue, absolutely nothing was resolved or changed from the original phone call 3 weeks ago.

Then I checked my forum posts, and both were closed so I could no longer respond on them. This is far and away the worst experience with a company I've ever had. At this point, tell me whether the $70 "activation fee" will be waived or not. If it won't be, I'll cancel everything ASAP. I probably will cancel anyways because of this experience.

1 Reply
Khoros Partner
Khoros Partner

We have reopened your private support case.

Please keep all comments on the private support thread.
