Tired of Paying for Internet Speeds We Never Get

I'm tired of paying for internet speeds that we never ever get, we can't watch any HD or 4k, or utube or anything because 5 people on one wi-fi bogs it down so horrible, and we can't get any other internet where we live and I refuse hughs net, check the reviews on that, I'm about ready to cancel Verizon EVERYTHING!!!!

4 Replies
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Unfortunately I donโ€™t think there really much that can be done. You need 25 mbps to stream 4k and 5 to stream HD. You probably are maxed out at 3 mbps with DSL. 
Hughes Net Gen5 says speeds of 25 mbps. That might be exactly what you need. 

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The problem with HughesNet will be the data restrictions and the latency. They may get you to 25Mbps, but that isn't going to last long. On their modern plans, listed here: https://www.hughesnet.com/get-started/find-right-plan . Once you go over your data, the speed is limited to 1Mbps - 3Mbps, which usually ends up being less because of overhead and latency. The data limits that HughesNet has means I could watch maybe one Blu-Ray quality 1080p movie from my Plex server before I push the entire connection to 1-3Mbps for the rest of the month, and back to 720p/480p land.

On HughesNet Gen5, the latency bounces between 650ms and 1,200ms depending on when you're measuring. If OP's household is planning to play video games online or do anything real time, that's not going to work.

OP's best option for DSL replacement is going to come from a Wireless ISP (when Verizon brings 5G Home to their area), Cable company, or a Fiber provider that might show up someday.

As for the original poster, what speed do you pay for, and if no devices are online, what do you get on a speed test? Let's see if we can help make the service work better.


According to Verizon's (BIASED) speed test I'm getting well over double the speed of a reputable independent speed test (https://broadbandnow.com/speedtest).


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That is just a link to the site. What internet speed/service are you subscribed to and what speeds are you getting?