Trouble connecting WD My Book Live network drive to FIOS network

I have this My Book NAS device that used to appear on my FIOS network. My Samsung Smart TVs even found the drive on their own. But I reconfigured some things and now I can't get the drive visible again. It's currently plugged into one of the ethernet ports on a FIOS Network Extender. The green light is on, though I don't see the device listed on my 'Connected Devices' list in the FIOS mobile app.

I'd like to have the content accessible to the TVs but ultimately I want to stream it to my NVIDIA Shield which has a Plex server. Right now I can't even access the drive (ethernet only, no USB).

Any guidance is greatly appreciated. TIA.

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Try plugging it into the router.  If it works, something is wrong with the extender or it's coax connection.