Trying to replace G1100 router with MoCA 2.5 adapter and my own router


So I should have done more research on this before buying equipment, but I already bought a goCoax MoCA 2.5 adapter and a Tp-link AC1750 router.

My current setup looks like this:
ONT in the basement <---coax up the side of the house---> G1100 router in my bedroom

And I want it to look like this:
ONT in the basement <---coax up the side of the house---> goCoax adapter <---ethernet---> AC1750

I have really no experience with networking, but from what I read in other posts it seemed like this setup would work. The problem is that everything powers on and works in the new setup except for one very important part: the MoCA light on the adapter doesn't come on. I read that the ONT uses MoCA 1.1 WAN at a frequency of 1000MHz to send to the router. I'm able to get into the goCoax adapter's web configuration, and this is what it looks like:

I have no idea what most of these settings mean, even with the descriptions on the side there. LOF originally was set to 1150 and I changed to 1000 because I thought it might be the frequency. But could be completely unrelated, I have no idea!

I'm wondering,
1. Is what I'm trying to do even possible?, and
2. If so, what do I need to change in the MoCA adapter settings to allow the signal to come through?

2 Replies
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Community Leader

Do you have Verizon TV service with Verizon set-top-boxes?  If so, this gets much more complex.

If not, contact Verizon support by chat (not phone) and have them switch your ONT from MoCA WAN to Ethernet WAN.  Then, you can plug a second goCoax MoCA adapter into the ONT's Ethernet port and it will talk to the adapter you have upstairs.  You won't have to worry about settings and you'll have a faster MoCA link if you ever decide to upgrade your internet speed.  (The ONT's MoCA port is limited to 100Mbps.)

Of course, you should have the second adapter purchased and ready to install before you contact Verizon for the ONT WAN port switch.

I should also mention that if you can run an Ethernet cable from the ONT to the router location, that's the best solution.  It will remove MoCA from the WAN link and provide the lowest cost, and highest performance.  It also works fine with Verizon set-top-boxes, as you don't have to worry about creating multiple MoCA networks on the same coax.

Community Leader
Community Leader

I would suggest you to survey your house's wiring first before making any additional purchases. Are there Ethernet cables (including 2-wire phone lines being on a CAT 5e cable) going through the house? Are there coax wires going through the house? Where are all the wires terminated? (Most likely next to the breaker panel). Do you own the G1100? Pictures are helpful for us to identify any other better solutions than using a pair of goCoax 2.5.