Unable to reset Actiontec Mi424WR passowrd


I reset the router and attempted to put in admin and password to log in.  However, as soon I start to enter the password, it automatically saves addtional characters.  For example I will enter pa and then there are three more icons or buttons and when I try to backspace it won't allow me to simply enter password or the serial number for my router.   I'm having quite a few issues with internet connection dropping at random times.  Has anyone else experienced this? 

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To avoid shoulder peaking a password, the router's web administration page will insert additional dots into the password box as you type. This is normal and does not affect password entry. Many ActionTec routers from the MI424WR Rev. F have the admin password on a label found on the side of the router. Older FiOS routers will use admin/password generally. If you're using anything older than a Rev. I ActionTec, it's time for an upgrade to the router.