Using 2 WiFi routers at once?
  • Is it possible to integrate 2 routers to the FiOS ONT box? Here is why... I saw how I could have Verizon switch the coax connection on the ONT box for an Ethernet connection. That would allow me to upgrade from the current 802.11G Verizon router to a 3rd party N-router, but I'm looking at a non-dualband router so any equipment not compatible with an N router wouldn't be able to be used. So now I'm trying to see if I can have both routers connected andcreate 2 separate WiFi connections. Its not advised that I bridge the Verizon router i have because it will disrupt VOD service but I don't get FiOS television, just internet so can I bridge it? Thanks for any advice
5 Replies
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Welcome to the forums.  You're talking to other customers here.

Verizon will not provide any support when a non-Verizon router is used.  This doesn't mean you can't use one, but simply that if you ask Verizon for help they will insist that  you use one of their routers in a standard configuration.  If you use something else, you'll need to figure out any issues without Verizon's help.

As a rule, one and only one router can serve as the WAN to LAN connection.  You cannot have two routers trying to connect to the WAN.  You can plug a 2nd router into the primary router.  The 2nd router can function as an access point only or another NAT function (dual-NAT) to create an separate LAN.  There are pluses and minus to these approaches.  There is an excellent FAQ on dslreports that can help you sort through various networking options with FiOS.  Check it out:

It sounds like you're tyring to create an 802.11n only network running only at 2.4GHz.  You can easily do this with either the Actiontec Rev I. or the Quantum router.  On the rev I, set the 802.11 mode to "performance," which limits it to 802.11n mode only.  Since it's a single band router, it won't do anything on 5Ghz.

The Quantum router can be setup the same on both it's bands.  If you don't want 5GHz, simply turn of it's 5GHz radio.

You can purchase an Actiontec Rev I. for $75 direct from Verizon here:

The Quatum Router is currently on sale for $99 until 1/17.


Enthusiast - Level 2

I have two WiFi routers humming at the same time -- the Verizon G1100 and a Netgear R6250.   I did this because the G1100's WiFi range is not that good for my application.

The Netgear R6250 has a special setting in its fimware to configure it as an Access Point.  So, I set the R6250 as an AP and connected it by Ethernet cable between one of the wired G1100 LAN ports and the R6250's network port.   I made sure to define an SSID different than that of the Verizon router (I used the supplied defaults).   I was able to run both routers as individual SSID's and thus essentially two different wireless networks ported into the ONT by way of the coax,  but found that doing so reduced the output of both as they are sitting beside each other-- so I shut off the Verizon's wireless features and only use the R6250 for wireless.  

It works like a champ.   I now enjoy the same solid wireless signal that I had with Comcast which I did not get with the Verizon router alone.   I also have AC1200 as well as N with the Netgear.

The only caveat is that Verizon won't support the Netgear setup but that's okay.   I also have to administer the Netgear router directly into one of its ports as I can't see it through the Verizon router.  No big deal.

Contributor - Level 3

Just a FYI for Chris 60

If you give your Netgear router a static IP using either its firmware on it or using the G1100s you will be able to administer the Netgear while connected to the G1100.   A  standard  convention,  if your router's IP  is  make your  Netgear's  AP  The DHCP server on the Netgear should be disabled when it is in the AP mode.

Also you need to check that when you you set your Netgear into the AP mode that  it converts the Internet/WAN port to a LAN port.    Some firmware does this others not.  If the Netgear doesn't then if you may want to move the interconnection cable into a LAN port on the Netgear.    Otherwise you are running two routers double NATed.

Contributor - Level 3


Kind of hard to say as you didn't give much info.  I'd be inclined to do what Chris did.  Turn off the wifi in the FIOS router, buy a nice router and use it as an access point.  I prefer router's used as an access point as opposed to just buying an access point as you have more options down the road and you have a lot more buying choices.  Unless you are upgrading FIOS speed, you don't really need to go from coax to ethernet.

Or you could use that non-dual band you are looking at as an access point and leave the old FIOS router broadcasting WIFI.

Good luck.