Varying speeds of DSL - Is this normal?

I have the ActionTec GT704WGV and originally I had all wirelss G cards in my laptops and computers and direct ethernet connections to the XBOX 360 and DirecTV DVRs (HR23).  The speed was ok and frankly I never really paid much attention until we started using on demand videos from DirecTV and it took forever.  I also just assumed that since the router was in the basement on my computer (fairly new HP desktop, about one year old) was on the 2nd floor the video lag on YouTube was normal.

SO, I looked at my modem and the default download 3360k/864k upload shows on the status page so I assume I'm getting that 3.0mb connection and it was to be my "G" wireless setup. 

Off I go to Bestbuy and purchase the Belkin N+ router and Belking N+ USB devices for everything.  Network is a bit faster but frankly not impressed so I start looking at these forums and test the DSL speed.   Maybe 640k download and about 580k, not impressed.  I run the optimizer and now I'm cooking at 1024k download and 620k upload...give or take.  Occassionally I peak at 1800k ish and then as low at, how can this be.   So I take everything down and reset the Verizon DSL model to factory defaults, plug an ethernet cable directly to the modem and retest....640k download???  Yet the status of modem via the web interface says 3mbs???  Must be just a factory default to show what I'm paying for?

So I test my direct connection to various servers and in off peak, or late evening I seem to get decent 1500k download speeds but I can bottom out at 200k around 6pm-9pm.   Is that normal?    I know something has to be wrong because I don't get nearly what I'm paying for, for probably two years now, so what's next?

I'm going to purchase new phone lines today just to be sure it's not that.

I checked all the jacks in the house that have a phone (only two) and they have filters on them.

I used both and the Verizon infospeed test links to get my results.

Any help would be appreciated and sorry for the long post.

7 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

Since wireless in the router is turned on, what is the level of the wireless security?

WEP and WPA are two examples.



WPA but really that has nothing to do with my issue.  In the later part of testing I was directly connected and all wirless was turned off.  Using an fast ethernet card directly connected to the modem should not be the issue, nor wireless.

I had about two good days of connectivity that tested around 2.6Mbps on the download and a steady 640k on the, back to 1.5Mbps.  

Community Leader
Community Leader

@Zixxer wrote:

WPA but really that has nothing to do with my issue.  In the later part of testing I was directly connected and all wirless was turned off.  Using an fast ethernet card directly connected to the modem should not be the issue, nor wireless.

I had about two good days of connectivity that tested around 2.6Mbps on the download and a steady 640k on the, back to 1.5Mbps.  


#1 Here is my educated guess about your modem.

Your modem combo is the Red and Black Firmware that is addressed in

#2 If that is correct and your modem combo is not in bridge mode, in the modem combo go to System Monitoring -> Advanced Status -> Tranceiver Status and post that info that is there.

#3 Is UPnP turned on in the modem combo?

b) Is UPnP turned on in the Belkin router?

For the modem combo, if your router is the Red and Black firmware this is at Advanced -> UPnP.

If you have no idea for the Belkin router, it would help to know the model of that Belkin router.


ActionTec GT704WGV

See original post at the top.

I have a Belkin N+  ....but again, read the original post....directly connected with just ethernet cable, no wireless.

UPNP - I've turned it on and off.

Model: GT704-WG


Firmware Version:


Gateway MAC Address:


WAN IP Address:


Subnet Mask:


Gateway IP Address:


DNS Address #1:


DNS Address #2:













DSL Status





DSL Mode Setting:MMODE


DSL Negotiated Mode:G.DMT


Connection Status:Showtime


Speed (down/up): 3360 / 768 Kbps


ATM QoS class:UBR


Near End CRC Errors :23/0


Far End CRC Errors :6/0


Near End CRC(Within last 30 mins) : 0/0


Far End CRC(Within last 30 mins) : 0/0


Near End RS FEC :0/0


Far End RS FEC :1920/0


Near End FEC(Within last 30 mins) :0/0


Far End FEC(Within last 30 mins) :0/0


Discarded Packets(Within last 30 mins):0


SNR Margin (Downstream/Upstream):17/10


Attenuation (Downstream/Upstream): 26/18




Community Leader
Community Leader


Turn off UPnP in the router.

If that does not help, please post back.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Hi there,

Go to theverizon gateway using your I.E.

I should see your numbers they should be 3300 down 800 up

Otherwise you have some line issues?

Call DSL support after you check your numbers.

Your performance should be better.


Folks, I know you're all volunteers but please try reading the responses and orginal post.  I've turned on UPnP, no change and I've looked at the default speed on the modem status page.  That is surely a static display and NOT a gauge to the modems speed as it's never changed.  Even directly connected, you get half that speed.

In any event, problem solved.  I'm having comcast 20MBps package with vioce installed next Saturday.  While I know the concept of shared services, at it's worst, it will be better then what I'm getting.  No one should have to work this hard to get a resolution.   When I called Verizon, they started on page one of the scripts.   Too frustrating.
