Verizon Slamming with extra service
Enthusiast - Level 1

Ordered Fios Internet (only) and discovered before technician left that FiOS phone service was also installed -- not on order.  Verizon refusing to remove service even though I have the original order (paper print and electronic save) that indicates only Internet service was ordered.  Service person says this is almost standard practice and will be very difficult and take many phone calls or emails to undo this mistake.  Another VERIZON HELL!!!!  Think twice before ordering FiOS....

2 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

@VERIZONslammed wrote:

Ordered Fios Internet (only) and discovered before technician left that FiOS phone service was also installed -- not on order.  Verizon refusing to remove service even though I have the original order (paper print and electronic save) that indicates only Internet service was ordered.  Service person says this is almost standard practice and will be very difficult and take many phone calls or emails to undo this mistake.  Another VERIZON HELL!!!!  Think twice before ordering FiOS....

   Try calling your local Verizon store (not wireless). They have been very helpful for us in resolving issues

   such as this.

   Good luck!

Specialist - Level 1

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