Verizon had Throtled my Upload Speed

As a rural dsl customer after struggling with intermittent service over and over again for years about a year ago after many calls for service and three trips to my house to fix the wires on the service pole outside my house I finally got passable internet at 2.8 megs down and around .65 up.  I pay a total bill of about $80.00 monthly (Enhanced Internet On Bill) for a phone line and internet that I used to use for faxing only many years ago, which is now used only to support Verizon DSL.  I r ecently noticed that outbound emails with attachents are taking much longer to send.  I rechecked my speed and although the download speed is still acceptable at 2.8 megs down, all of the sudden instead of getting uploads between .6 and .75 my upload speed has been throtled to .25.

I called and went throught the horrible recordings and nonsense gauntlet that you have to run through to talk to a script reader in India and was told that my service was within acceptable parameters.  I do alot of emails with 1-4 meg attachments and this is slowing me down.  It of course is not anywhere near as bad as a slow download issue.  The phone rep was horrible and when I asked for an explanation, she told me that my speed was acceptable.  I couldn't get any answer as to why the upload speed has dropped to one third.  My internet is working fine, I'm positive the uploads have been throttled back.  I of course only want what I have been finally getting for over a year.  I honestly was afraid to call because I did not want my download speeds to revert to slow and none.  Having had verizon phone service at my house for 22 years and internet service from Verizon for at least 10 years, I was told that if I didn't like it she could transfer my call to the termination of service number if I wanted to drop my service.

All I wanted was a straight answer, instead I got a person who read from a script, was not knowledgeable or forthcoming, and was very non-chlant about immediately asking a 22 year customer if they wanted to terminate their account.  I hate this company and everything it stands for, and if and when I get a real choice other than a capped 4G Home Fusion Account from this same worthless provider I will leave in a heartbeat.  Way to go Verizon, another completely dissatisfied customer.  By the way, I"m not switching to Home Fusion, you can keep your 30 Gig Cap.

Does anybody have a answer as to why my upload speeds suddently dropped to one third.  To me it certainly doesn't appear to be a technical issue, but a purposeful upload throttle by Verizon.  I would pay more to get more, but what I had is about all that the line is capable of at my location, excepting however the upload speed of .25.

13 Replies
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Community Leader

Certainly not purposeful.

And you are not making the speeds you are seeing clear.

2.8mbps and 65 what up?  (certainly you don't mean 65 mbps.

Lots of things, some under your control, effect upload speed. 

Remember you are talking to peers here.  First we would need to know the speed you get to verizon speedtest .  It is the least effected by things outside Verizon's and your control.  Also try running Verizon's NDT (network Diagnostic test) and post that (minus any confidential info such as your IP address).  NDT is listed on the Verizon's speedtest page but sometimes its tough to get to run.


I ran the NDT, at least I think that is correct.  The results are below?  Did I miss something or is this what I was supposed to see:


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Community Leader

Send buffer is really small. in that report.  Not sure what typical DSL Values are, I have FIOS.  What os are you running If windows XP, did you ever  run Verizon's speed optimizer?  .Note shouldn't be necessary on windows 7 or later and doesn't apply to non-windows machines. 

note values I get

Analysis information:

Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done
SendBufferSize set to [522720]
running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 56.66Mb/s
running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 58.12Mb/s

------ Client System Details ------
OS data: Name = Windows 7, Architecture = amd64, Version = 6.1
Java data: Vendor = Oracle Corporation, Version = 1.7.0_67

------ Web100 Detailed Analysis ------
Client Receive Window detected at 261360 bytes.
100 Mbps FastEthernet link found.
Link set to Full Duplex mode
No network congestion discovered.
Good network cable(s) found
Normal duplex operation found.

Web100 reports the Round trip time = 33.79 msec; the Packet size = 1452 Bytes; and
There were 6 packets retransmitted, 162 duplicate acks received, and 165 SACK blocks received
The connection was idle 0 seconds (0%) of the time
This connection is receiver limited 7.07% of the time.
This connection is sender limited 91.7% of the time.
This connection is network limited 1.23% of the time.

Web100 reports TCP negotiated the optional Performance Settings to:
RFC 2018 Selective Acknowledgment: ON
RFC 896 Nagle Algorithm: ON
RFC 3168 Explicit Congestion Notification: OFF
RFC 1323 Time Stamping: OFF
RFC 1323 Window Scaling: ON
Information: Network Middlebox is modifying MSS variable
Server IP addresses are preserved End-to-End
Client IP address not found. For IE users, modify the Java parameters
click Tools - Internet Options - Security - Custom Level, scroll down to
Microsoft VM - Java permissions and click Custom, click Java Custom Settings
Edit Permissions - Access to all Network Addresses, click Eanble and save changes


All my computers are fully updated Win 7's, and speed tests are the nearly identical on all of them.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Although it shouldn't be necessary, what happens if you do let Verizon Speed Optimizer change values (the page also lets you restore back if the results are not what you want).

@mssblack wrote:

All my computers are fully updated Win 7's, and speed tests are the nearly identical on all of them.


Thanks for responding, and I know this is the community and do appreciate feedback and input.  I apparently didn't put the decimal point in on the upload.  I was getting between .60 and .75 up and now get about .25.  The download speed is fine for dsl and I am not unsatisfied, just trying to find out why I have suddenly dropped to one third for uploads.  The one of my post was in no way intended to be negative to the community, however the phone reps at Verizon support do make it difficult to maintain composure when dealing with them.

Here is the Verizon speedtest result, I will try to run the test you suggested and post the results.


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Community Leader

Could you post your modem's Transceiver statistics or sync speeds? If you don't know how to get this, tell us what modem you have.

Verizon doesn't shape on the upstream at all, only on the downstream to prevent those who have their line cards set too high from downloading faster than they should be, and to stop buffer overruns caused by the Juniper gear. The upload can be set to anything and it'll go at anything.


I have a fairly new Modem supplied by Verizon - ActiontecGT784WN.  Sync speeds are:

Downstream 3360 kps

Upstream       290 kps

Using modem for download purposes is fine.  Upload works ok, but has slipped to less than half of what I was used to getting.  Speed tests used to show about .6 to .75, and as I recall sync speeds used to show about 768 when checking modem statistics.  I have made no changes at all to the modem or to any connections, this started spontaneously a few weeks ago.


Community Leader
Community Leader

Thanks. That speed is awfully low on the upstream sync. Please post the entire status page for "DSL Status" or "WAN Status" that displays information such as attenuation, SN Margin, Errors, and so fourth. Remove anything that shows your IP address, a MAC Address, or your PPPoE user information.

WAN Status Connection StatusConnection Status
Internet Service Provider:CONNECTED
PPP StatusPPP Parameter Status
User Name:xxxxxxxx
LCP State:UP
Authentication Failures:0
Session Time:0 Days, 3H:47M:11S
Packets Sent:374566
Packets Received:405776
Broadband StatusBroadband Parameter Status
Broadband Mode Setting:ADSL2+
Broadband Negotiated Mode:ADSL2+
Connection Status:CONNECTED
Downstream Speed:3360 Kbps
Upstream Speed:304 Kbps
Retrain Timer:0 Days, 3H:47M:38S
ATM QoS class:UBR
Near End CRC Errors Interleave:0
Near End CRC Errors Fastpath :N/A
Far End CRC Errors Interleave :5
Far End CRC Errors Fastpath :N/A
30 Minute Near End CRC Interleave :0
30 Minute Near End CRC Fastpath :N/A
30 Minute Far End CRC Interleave :0
30 Minute Far End CRC Fastpath :N/A
Near End RS FEC Interleave :0
Near End RS FEC Fastpath :N/A
Far End RS FEC Interleave :0
Far End RS FEC Fastpath :N/A
30 Minute Near End FEC Interleave :820
30 Minute Near End FEC Fastpath :N/A
30 Minute Far End FEC Interleave :2517
30 Minute Far End FEC Fastpath :N/A
30 Minute Discarded Packets Downstream :0
30 Minute Discarded Packets Upstream :0
SNR Downstream :12 dB
SNR Upstream :9 dB
Attenuation Downstream :58 dB
Attenuation Upstream :34 dB
Power Downstream18.2 dBm
Power Upstream12.1 dBm
Copyright ยฉ 2011 Actiontec 
Community Leader
Community Leader

You have a line problem. Your upstream margin is very low, which is also affecting your overall upstream speed.

If you have a landline, do you notice any noise, humming, or buzzing on the line?

If you have access to a NID, consider connecting your modem up temporarily to the NID to see if the speed improves. Newer NIDs have test jacks that make this easy, and disconnect the home's wiring while in use. Older NIDs often require a temporary jack to be wired, and the home's wiring to be manually disconnected before connecting the modem.

If speeds are improved at the NID, this is signifying a problem within your home. If the speeds are not, you will need Verizon to come out and repair the line.


Thank you for a real answer.  Last year I couldn't get anything up or down.  Finally after exhausting calls to support which , treated me like I was an idiot, I got a few service calls for the wire.  The problem is outside at the pole.  It has been severed by a car 2 times in 2 years and replaced twice.  On at least 4 occasions someone came out.  3 out of 4 pulled up to the pole, tweaked the wires for 3 minutes and drove away.  If I hadn't looked out the window I wouldn't have even known they were here.  One guy was pretty nice, I actually met him.  Since the line was fixed I got about what I was supposed to get for about a year, around 3 down and about 768 up.  It is only recently that the upload has dropped to 250

When I called on the phone this time, the rep in India told me the speeds I was getting were within the acceptable parameters for my service, which she told me was 1.1 megs down and .25 up for Enhanced DSL.  When I tried to explain to her I was subscribed to 3 meg Enhanced DSL she argued with me, and asked me if I wanted to speak to termination of service after having this line for 23 years, and DSL on it for 15.  I am not on a 1.1 meg plan, she told me to look at the speeds on the bill.  The bill doesn't give speeds, it is listed as enhanced DSL.  I know for a fact that this line will support 3 plus megs down and 768 up.  The problem is not in my house, someone hit the telephone pole with a car on two different occasions.  The Gas & Electric Company generally has to rewire the phone, since Verizon won't send somebody out after an incident like this if you have any phone serice at all.

The chances of me getting someone to come out to fix this problem are slim to none, and the aggravation factor is through the roof.  I pay $80.00 a month for this service, and don't even use the line this is on for voice purposes, it was originally a second fax line I have had for 20 plus years.

I'll say it again, and anybody on this forum who thinks I am difficult can think what they want.  Verizon phone reps are horrible.  Getting a line person to your house is like climbing Everest without oxygen.  The ones that came to my house 3 out of 4 times didn't even knock on the door.  I hate this company, and would switch to something else (other than capped Home Fusion or Satelite) if it were actually available.

I would love to get this fixed, but the answer is that it isn't bad enough for Verizon to care about.  Since it is upload and not download, I'll just live with it for now.  Absolutely horrible company, horrible service, ridiculous offshore support.

If anybody has an suggestions as to how to go about getting this fixed, I would love to hear them.

Contributor - Level 1
Try to copy and paste your hole "Wan Status" page.