Why do I have to pay Early Termination Fee?
Enthusiast - Level 2

I currently have FIOS 50/50 (on a 2 year contract) which I'm very happy with but I am moving to an area which does not offer FIOS, they only offer lousy DSL high speed internet at (1Mbps).

I was just told by a Verizon rep via chat that I will have to pay $7.50 for each month remaining on my contract which is almost 16 months. My only other option is to sign up for Verizon phone at $11.50/month to avoid the Early Termination fee.

This is unacceptable!

It's not my fault you don't have FIOS at my new place. If FIOS was available I would gladly continue my service.

I hope there's a Verizon rep reading this who can remedy this situation.

Also, the rep on chat was very pushy trying to force me to sign up for a landline immediately. I told her a few times I would come back to this after I bring it to the attention of a Verizon rep.

1 Solution
Specialist - Level 2

CRob said it well.

When you sign up for a 2 year promo offer you are getting a subsidized rate sometimes with a bonus such as the $300 pre paid card. If you can't meet those terms then they basically want money back for the remaining time for offering you a discount.

As far as finding the tos, if you go into your account under myverizon then myservices you should see your contract term with a link to the terms there. If not you can find them here: http://www.verizon.com/about/terms/

Upon singing up they should have provided you with a copy of the terms or if ordered online the terms were shown and had to be agreed to.

The only possible way I know of where an etf can be waived is if someone who is in the military is deployed.

View solution in original post

8 Replies
Master - Level 1

When you signed up for Verizon you accepted the terms of service. The ETF only applies to you current service address so if you move you break the contract and owe an ETF based on how many months are left in your contract.

Enthusiast - Level 2

thanks Telcoguru,, where do I find the TOS document?

Enthusiast - Level 2

This is really bad business from Verizon

Community Leader
Community Leader

@Orlando168 wrote:

This is really bad business from Verizon

Just about every cable provider does the same thing.

So do most contract cell phone providers when you get the discount on your phone.

Specialist - Level 2

CRob said it well.

When you sign up for a 2 year promo offer you are getting a subsidized rate sometimes with a bonus such as the $300 pre paid card. If you can't meet those terms then they basically want money back for the remaining time for offering you a discount.

As far as finding the tos, if you go into your account under myverizon then myservices you should see your contract term with a link to the terms there. If not you can find them here: http://www.verizon.com/about/terms/

Upon singing up they should have provided you with a copy of the terms or if ordered online the terms were shown and had to be agreed to.

The only possible way I know of where an etf can be waived is if someone who is in the military is deployed.

Master - Level 1

You can find the TOS on the following page. http://www.verizon.com/about/terms/


WRONG! You are heartless and incorrect. IF FIOS is NOT available, per the agreement you are NOT charged the ETF since it is beyond your control. It is right in the TOS!!!

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