Why do my neighbors have fios but I'm stuck with TERRIBLE DSL?

I've been in my house for over 8 years. When we first looked at the house, I contacted Verizon to confirm that Fios would be available. This was a major concern for us and we were relieved when they confirmed that yes, Fios is available. We closed the deal on the house, moved in and were very surprised to find that only 3Mbps DSL is available. We were told that because of all the upgrades to surrounding neighborhoods, we would have Fios very soon. 

We immediately had issues with DSL. It dropped offline constantly. When it is up, it's very slow. Over the years, they've slowed the speed to 2Mbps, then to 1.5Mbps and now 1Mbps. Consistency is worse now than ever. Currently, all streets surrounding me have Fios. Ours does not. We've had at least 50 service calls and they've replaced our modem at least 10 times over the past 8+ years. Every time I call Verizon support, they assure me that this time it will be fixed. I just burned over an hour with them AGAIN. First, they said they need to replace the modem AGAIN. I explained that this has been done multiple times and it has never had an effect before but go ahead and send one and I'll go through the motions AGAIN. She then explained that there would be a $59 charge. I said no way. If Verizon wants to replace Verizon's modem, be my guest but I'm not paying for it. They immediately changed their tune and said they needed to send a technician out. I told them to have him bring some fiber optic cable with him so this can be fixed once and for all. Take a guess how that went over...

Come on Verizon! Please fix this! Your unwillingness to fix your infrastructure is preventing me from living a normal 2018 life. I could be working from home. 

Very frustrated.

4 Replies

Much too long for me to quote and reply.....

fios has been stopped in many areas of the country. And normally if they have steep competition in the areas they may build out. However via Verizon and their press release and other sites stories.





Thanks for the response. So what is the plan longterm? Are you saying they will never upgrade teh infrastructure and I'll be stuck with DSL forever? 


@pokergood wrote:

Thanks for the response. So what is the plan longterm? Are you saying they will never upgrade teh infrastructure and I'll be stuck with DSL forever? 

It seems that Verizon states no desire to build out, but others have stated in this forum and on others that Verizon is trying to get areas on fixed wireless 5 G and on wireless it’s self. How they plan on doing anything is only in the company’s master plan.

If it helps years ago my neighborhood had Fios at the end of our road. Then three years ago they started offering on the side connecting streets. Of which mine is one.

However there is broadband already in place via Time Warner Cable (Now Charter ) as well as digital phone and cable tv. So it was a grab for market share.

I did not get Fios on first offering. I waited until my neighbors took it and they said it was pretty good (for the 2years) and after the 2 years were up the cost was way too high so they dropped it and went back to cable.

I took it because of being lied to from TWC. The price I pay is fair for gigabyte. If it increases past my comfort point, Charter will have 300 mb broadband available so I then pay $65 with no taxes or bogus surcharges. But I am confident they won’t mess with our area due to the competition from Charter Communications 

They may build out but they don’t usually say. Sorry

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They are no longer completely unwilling to do additional buildouts.  Are you actually at a Boundary between two areas.  Usually if not you at least have a chance to ask them to switch you to FIOS.