adding a laptop to a network

Hello all,

I have a wireless network with a Westall 7500 router.  I just purchased a new Dell inspiron and am trying to connect with the network.  The laptop gets the signal just fine but says that it can't connect.

I've tried to work with the security settings for the router; I have been told that I should disable the MAC authentication to temporarily allow the new laptop to connect.  When I try to change the MAC authentication settings (in "advanced security settings") I get "error on page".  Am I going about this the wrong way or should this be working?

I hope this all makes sense.  Thanks for your help.


2 Replies

If you have a Verizon High Speed DSL Hook-up the Router should work just fine w/ your Dell Inspiron.

When you set up your router of course you made a network and probally a password. 

 If your router is hooked from the ethernet cable in your modem to your router than u have connection through your router. Than to set-up P.C's with wired connection you hook a ethernet cable from the p.c to a port set asside. With your router you may be able to type in your I.P adress and then use the user name ADMIN and the password you set-up to then access your wireless security than being able to change your wireless WPA Shared Key. when this works you can then select your network on your laptop then typing in your WPA Shared key then connecting via your router. If you installed the modems ethernet connection to your routers ethernet connection you should be able to allow 4 ports of wired connections and 16 wireless devices connected via your Verizon DSL High Speed.


Also a Suggestion if you dont mind spending a little extra I would go with a Wirless-G Linkys Router the Black one. It works perfect for me with no connection problems it allows 4 Wired connections if needed and 16 wirless devices are allowed to access. You set up and password @ the begining to access your settings and then you can change you WPA Shared key which is they key/passcode used to connect via playstation,ipods,laptops etc.

once set-up your password w/ linkys you can change your WPA Shared key  typing in in your web-browser. 
