can you believe this!!
Enthusiast - Level 3

We have been having speed issues for the last month.  Verizon finally realized it was a bad port at the pool and fixed it last week.  I was getting these stats:

Transceiver InformationDown Stream PathUp Stream Path
DSL Speed (Kbits/Sec)123441059
Margin (dB)6.310.0
Line Attenuation (dB)36.516.4
Transmit Power (dBm)21.812.4

Tonight we lost connection and the router came back online by itself.  When it was back the speeds were very slow.  As you can see above we were on a 7-11 line.  These stats were taken from 2/26 when we were having problems.

These stats are from tonight:

Transceiver InformationDown Stream PathUp Stream Path
DSL Speed (Kbits/Sec)1790447
Margin (dB)31.129.9
Line Attenuation (dB)36.517.4
Transmit Power (dBm)7.112.3

So I called Verizon.  After approx 1 1/2 hours on the line the lady who I was talking to said that in my area only 3 mbps lines are available.  Funny how that is when I signed up for and recieved 7-11 for the last 14 months.  So I asked to be transfered to billing so I could find out if I was going to be adjusted for the differance in speeds.  After 30 mins on hold she came back and said billing was not answering the phone.  Which I find hard to believe.  The she told me if I wanted to call billing tomorrow their hours are 8-5:30pm.  She tried to transfer me at 8pm.  Wouldn't she know they were closed?  I am not happy.

4 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Taken right from one of my bills.  Amazing how only up to 3mbps is available:

2/7 3/6 Verizon Freedom Essentials 40.00
2/1 2/28 Internet 4 to 7 Mbps 52.99
2/1 2/28 Internet 4 to 7 Mbps Bundle Discount -18.00

Community Leader
Community Leader

Verizon's been naughty again! Spreading all of that peanut butter everywhere and not cleaning up after themselves :C

Get them to fix the speed back to 10Mbps/1Mbps or at least 7Mbps/768kbps. From that point we'll troubleshoot the issue you're having with slow speeds/disconnects.

Enthusiast - Level 3

My speed issues were resolved prior to this Smith.  I was on a bad port at the pool.  Verizon fixed that appoximately 2 weeks ago. And my speeds stayed steady at 9.2 mbps download.  The has all happened since Thursday.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Hmm, ok.

I'm wondering if Verizon enabled their Optimization system from ASSIA on your line. It seems when that kicks in, the base speed it starts at for your package is 1.5Mbps and then it works it's way up over time in speed. Either way since they fixed it they shouldn't have done anything to the sync speed. If they won't fix the sync rate on the phone (It can be fixed ON THE SPOT), please let me know. I'll get you to someone who will fix it back to 10Mbps/1Mbps.

In case you're interested: