customer service for verizon DSL Internet

of course because verizon got so big overall, they have to hire {keep it courteous} to run the system. well thats the whole mistake right there. They don't know what they are doing. I vote to replace them with technicians that know how to program the main frame correctly. That's where us americans come into play. Also that's why when you call with a problem, they also say ( sorry for inconvience you are having and don't worry we'll fix), and they wind up deleting your hard drive instead.

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2 Replies
Champion - Level 3

@twotimer wrote:

of course because verizon got so big overall, they have to hire {keep it courteous} to run the system. well thats the whole mistake right there. They don't know what they are doing. I vote to replace them with technicians that know how to program the main frame correctly. That's where us americans come into play. Also that's why when you call with a problem, they also say ( sorry for inconvience you are having and don't worry we'll fix), and they wind up deleting your hard drive instead.

...this is your complaint about tech support for the internet? Who the heck are you calling?

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Mainframes are still used today? I haven't dealt with one in years I'm afraid ๐Ÿ˜•

Were you taking notes of what was being done to your computer as "whoever" worked on it? If the software they used is anything like TeamViewer or LogMeIn, it's not very hard to take control of the PC and boot them out if they start doing something questionable or bad to the system. Unless they are fixing Verizon software or need to remote into the computer to see or fix something with the network because they cannot backdoor the Verizon-supplied equipment, they should not need access to your computer.