"NOT solved" CO needs upgrading, can't provide the service I'm paying for.

Enthusiast - Level 2

For the record, I accepted the solution to my original post as advised by support, in an effort to be able to unlock the original post but it didn't work.

Please review the original post "CO needs upgrading, can't provide the service I'm paying for." for the beginning details of my issue.

Here's the update and final word from Verizon....

Worked on the issue in private support from 2/28/13 to 3/15/13. I was told my issue was submitted to the DSL escalation team & engineering group. I was told that it is a capacity issue at the CO, where upgrades are needed, so at the present time there is nothing more they can do until the upgrades are completed.

Needless to say, I'm not happy. Now I'm currently looking into compensation in the form of some type of reduction in my monthly fee until the issue is resolved at the CO and I'm able to get the speed I'm provisioned. Wish me luck 🙂 this is my last option.

As I stated in my original post, I really have had a good relationship with Verizon up until now. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing a light at the end of the tunnel so I may have to make a change. I'll update this if anything changes

3 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

Hello garodriguez,

It appears that your issue is being handled through our private support portal. Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue on your private support case as the support agents will not see the public boards.



Enthusiast - Level 2

Completely understood.

As a moderator I'm guessing you may be able to see our private communications. I was working with Anthony_Vz to try to unlock my original post, with no success so I've posted this subject in order to update the community, that's all. I have no intention in posting our private messages.

As it stands, I'm still in direct communications with him & others in the private support area.

Enthusiast - Level 2

This is probably my final update...

I received a voice message in regards to my request for some compensation but there was nothing Verizon can do. The info given was that there was no estimated time for the upgrades to be completed. The offer was to down grade my plan to a lower provisioned speed & pay a lower rate. For both, it was not what I wanted to hear.

I wanted to keep my plan & provisioned speeds. I am & have been happy with my service & speed(when it's where it should be), it just that I'm not getting what I pay for at all times. Since there is no estimated time for upgrades (so that I get those provisioned speeds) I was inquiring about a possible adjustment in my monthly fees(maybe a few bucks off per month) until the upgrades are done. So now as I understand Verizons stance, I need to continue to pay the full price & Verizon won't be providing my provisioned speed. That just doesn't sound like a fair deal.

Unfortunately it appears that Verizon will now be loosing a long time customer, something I really wanted to avoid for the previously stated reasons. As I now look for an alternate ISP, I will continue to monitor my private support case in the hopes that something changes that will allow me to continue my relationship with Verizon as my ISP.

I want to thank everyone for their assistance in trying to resolve my issue, you have all been professional, courteous & helpful(as much as you could have been) in our communications, Kudos to all.