verizon fios phone support will not speak with me

for over 24 hours, i have been trying to move my service to my new home address. i was not able to do so online, so i called. an hour and a half later, the representative gets to the "confirm" page on her end she tells me, and then says - her system is not having technical difficulty. she said she would call me back between 7:30pm and 9:00pm EST the next day, but in the meantime try it online. i tried it online, and it turns out i set up a completely new order! so i am waiting for my call today.. but see she called me at 2:15PM!!! no voicemail left either as i asked her to do so - because i get about 5 spam calls a day. so now i have 2 orders apparently associated with my account.. i am chatting now with CS and he says i have to CALL... again!? i called last night!! and no one called me back today! so i called 3 different lines... after 10 min on hold on each line i kept getting passed around "try this number instead" - I cannot get ahold to any representative on the phone at Verizon fios who can help me... not only will not be going through with 1/2 orders... considering how horrible it has been to get a hold of someone on the phone, i will most likely end up cancelling my entire service with Verizon - as i have no reason to pay twice as much as the next service provider.. for such miserable support. no one can help me. no one calls me back. everyone has given me the wrong answers as to go about moving. support is non existent, and since support is supposed to be included in my Verizon Fios contract, they are in violation of their contract with me, which is grounds for termination. 

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Moderator Emeritus
Hi ninag,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please check your Private Message Inbox for a message from Verizon_Support. You can find your Inbox by clicking on your username at the top right corner of this page. Please direct all correspondence concerning your issue to the agents, who will be assisting you privately.