Just received my update in VHO 5, HD Channels are great, but SD remains dull. I think Verizon FIOS should stick to telephones. Get out of the TV business. Their FIOS solution Center personnel are nasty, asked a question they want to transfer you to sales, no time to listen to your problems. Everyone gives FIOS advise but they are slow in looking into them. Why pay so much for a service that does not work properly? My billing was over $300 for February and March, they claimed that I was prorated and had 2 additional computers configured. They contacted foreman who supervised my install and they found out they made a mistake. How much money have I lost since switching from Time Warner Cable? I would say approximately $250. FIOS needs to get their act together.
54 Replies

I agree with you 1000 !!!


HD is great, but the SD is still dull and out of focus.  My mother has Time Warner and a similar non-HD 36" Sony TV.  Her SD picture quality blows mine away, even using the RF input rather than the s-video I that have her connected to the TW box.


I thought the 1.6.2 upgrade would fix this.  I am very disappointed.  This is FiOS, this is supposed to be BIG and BETTER!


Smiley Mad

Contributor - Level 1

It has been reported that the problems with the 7216 STB have been fixed with this latest update. The 7216 has always had superior SDPQ to that of the 6416 series.

I would suggest that if you are using a 6416 STB that you request a 7216 STB. The SD PQ on the 7216 is the best i have seen on an HDTV from any provider!

If you have a 7216 i suggest you go to your buddies house that has a HDTV and a different provider then FiOS and check out the SDPQ on their TV. I think you will agree that FiOS is better!


Then what am I supposed to do with all the recordings on my 6416 box including the HD ones?

One of the biggest issues with ALL cable systems is the lack of ability to transfer your recordings when a DVR box gets swapped out.

Message Edited by DMZ on 03-25-2009 11:08 AM
Contributor - Level 2
What's ther procedure for changing to the 7216, who do I contact?
Message Edited by mcorbo on 03-25-2009 08:29 AM
Contributor - Level 1
Call FiOS

Good luck with that.  My 6216 started freezing on Sunday night. Powercycled three times and it continued to freeze. Call Fios tech support, he tried to send a signal to reset the box, but the box would not respond. He said the box was probably going bad and asked how long I had it. I informed him I only had the box since July 2008, but it was obviously refurbished as the front display plate was on upside down. He said they would drop ship me a new one. Sounded good to me. 

Got the "new" box yesterday.  Excited thinking they might have sent me a new 7000 series, I find a standard def non-dvr 2500 model. Called support again thinking I could just drop it in the mail and get the right box. NOPE, they have to send a tech due to their error. I told them I'd have to get back with them on it.  At that point I was going to pay the cancellation fees and go back to DirecTV.  Realized my wife was going to be home the next day anyway, so figured I would just get their tech out to fix their mistake.  Called tech support again and the agent told me they could just drop ship the correct box. Now I'm irritated that Verizon can't even get their support team on the same page. Whatever-I asked him if he could send me the "7000" series box. I'm told "I can't do that, that's a billing issue, you will get the same 6216 you have." How is this a billing issue?  Does the 7216 cost more each month than what I pay?  So I guess I'm getting another refurbished 6216.   Sorry this was a long drawn out explanation about how I couldn't simply ask to be upgraded to the new box.  If anyone else has more success please post as to how you were able to do it.

Master - Level 3

@bigp wrote:

Good luck with that.  My 6216 started freezing on Sunday night. Powercycled three times and it continued to freeze. Call Fios tech support, he tried to send a signal to reset the box, but the box would not respond. He said the box was probably going bad and asked how long I had it. I informed him I only had the box since July 2008, but it was obviously refurbished as the front display plate was on upside down. He said they would drop ship me a new one. Sounded good to me. 

Got the "new" box yesterday.  Excited thinking they might have sent me a new 7000 series, I find a standard def non-dvr 2500 model. Called support again thinking I could just drop it in the mail and get the right box. NOPE, they have to send a tech due to their error. I told them I'd have to get back with them on it.  At that point I was going to pay the cancellation fees and go back to DirecTV.  Realized my wife was going to be home the next day anyway, so figured I would just get their tech out to fix their mistake.  Called tech support again and the agent told me they could just drop ship the correct box. Now I'm irritated that Verizon can't even get their support team on the same page. Whatever-I asked him if he could send me the "7000" series box. I'm told "I can't do that, that's a billing issue, you will get the same 6216 you have." How is this a billing issue?  Does the 7216 cost more each month than what I pay?  So I guess I'm getting another refurbished 6216.   Sorry this was a long drawn out explanation about how I couldn't simply ask to be upgraded to the new box.  If anyone else has more success please post as to how you were able to do it.

The people in CS don't  know what is in the warehouse to be shipped.  The 2 DVRs (7216 and 6416) are the same monthly charge for the customer.  It's a crap shoot what you'll get unless you can get the local dispatcher for your area garage and have a tech bring it out (possibly incurring a truck roll charge).

Master - Level 1

bigp wrote:

Good luck with that.  My 6216 started freezing on Sunday night. Powercycled three times and it continued to freeze. Call Fios tech support, he tried to send a signal to reset the box, but the box would not respond. He said the box was probably going bad and asked how long I had it. I informed him I only had the box since July 2008, but it was obviously refurbished as the front display plate was on upside down. He said they would drop ship me a new one. Sounded good to me. 

Got the "new" box yesterday.  Excited thinking they might have sent me a new 7000 series, I find a standard def non-dvr 2500 model. Called support again thinking I could just drop it in the mail and get the right box. NOPE, they have to send a tech due to their error. I told them I'd have to get back with them on it.  At that point I was going to pay the cancellation fees and go back to DirecTV.  Realized my wife was going to be home the next day anyway, so figured I would just get their tech out to fix their mistake.  Called tech support again and the agent told me they could just drop ship the correct box. Now I'm irritated that Verizon can't even get their support team on the same page. Whatever-I asked him if he could send me the "7000" series box. I'm told "I can't do that, that's a billing issue, you will get the same 6216 you have." How is this a billing issue?  Does the 7216 cost more each month than what I pay?  So I guess I'm getting another refurbished 6216.   Sorry this was a long drawn out explanation about how I couldn't simply ask to be upgraded to the new box.  If anyone else has more success please post as to how you were able to do it.

ok here's the deal...When we dropship a box it will be equal to what you have had. Now I have seen it where customers get a 6416 in place of a 7216. Its also 10000000000% not a billing issue as billing can't write an order for you to get a 7200 or 7216 box it just doesn't work that way. If we send you out the wrong box its always best we send someone out to correct that error rather than put the burdon on the customer to return the boxes.

I hope this helps clear that up for you BigP



What stinks is if the 7000 series box gives a good SD picture and the 6416 like I have now does not. It will not be fixed with 1.6.2, why should I not be entitled to the box that fixes what the software doesn't?

I am sure that is the whole question. I want the newer box if mine will not give me the best posible picture that I am paying for. Not to be negative but asking what everyone will want to know.

If a person is lucky enough to walk into a Verizon FIOS store, will they not be able to get the newer box?

1.6.0 has been working great for me. If 1.6.2 is not going to do anything for the 6416 then don't screw with something that works for me. I wonder what is going to break on the 31st.

Message Edited by prisaz on 03-25-2009 08:38 PM
Master - Level 1
The update fixes the SD of the 6xxx series boxes, it worked for me.

@matcarl wrote:
The update fixes the SD of the 6xxx series boxes, it worked for me.

I guess I will need to wait and see if anything breaks. I have used HDMI with my 46" Samsung 1080p LCD since day 1 and no issues. I hope it stays that way and gets better on the SD. What works or doesn't work is not the same for everyone. I guess I was in a bad mood when I posted last.

Thanks matcarl

Master - Level 1

prisaz wrote:


What stinks is if the 7000 series box gives a good SD picture and the 6416 like I have now does not. It will not be fixed with 1.6.2, why should I not be entitled to the box that fixes what the software doesn't?

I am sure that is the whole question. I want the newer box if mine will not give me the best posible picture that I am paying for. Not to be negative but asking what everyone will want to know.

If a person is lucky enough to walk into a Verizon FIOS store, will they not be able to get the newer box?

1.6.0 has been working great for me. If 1.6.2 is not going to do anything for the 6416 then don't screw with something that works for me. I wonder what is going to break on the 31st.

Message Edited by prisaz on 03-25-2009 08:38 PM


I did just that, I went to a Verizon store and got a new box however I was adding to my collection I have already and was informed at my location in TX that they no longer Carry the 6416 or 6200 for HD only the 7000 series.

Contributor - Level 2

IS there a policy for unhappy 6416 customers to swap them for 7000 series boxes at no charge?

I cannot see paying the same price as the 7000 series customers, for what in my application is clearly an inferior product.

I did ask at the time of install about a 7000 series box, and was told they weren't available.

Is there an official policy? If not, who do we complain too...

Master - Level 1
mattheww50 if your 6416 breaks we will most likely replace it with a 7216 if it needs to be.  I wouldn't suggest breaking the box though
Are you saying if the 6416 is NOT broken, you cannot have a 7216, even if it provides the better SD PQ?   I'm probably being thick, this was just tongue-in-cheek.  I'm still waiting for 1.6.2 however.  Trying to be patient.  We'll see.  Hopefully with 1.6.2 the SD PQ is as good as the 2500 series STB on my Panasonic Plasma.  But this has been a long disappointing year with FiOS.
Master - Level 1
J-Scott, I got the update this past Tuesday, (I have the 6416 DVR), and when I put Weatherscan on, I can tell the difference, it's very clear. The SD's are back to being superb again!
Thank you.  I am crossing my fingers.  Can't wait.
Enthusiast - Level 3

Just got 1.6.2 today. Checked system info and there it was.

Am in Burke, VA. VHO 04.

SD channels much improved. 

Have not checked everything else though.


@pixed wrote:

Just got 1.6.2 today. Checked system info and there it was.

Am in Burke, VA. VHO 04.

SD channels much improved. 

Have not checked everything else though.

Anyone else from VHO4 Silver Spring get updated? I am in Montgomery County and do not have it yet. Guess where Sil ver Spring is located. Go figure. Does the Actiontec need to be the primary router for this to get to my boxes? Never really got a straight answer other then it should get to the boxes if they are online and have an IP.  VOD and everything works with my router giving IPs 100-110 to the mac addresses of the boxes. DHCP and WAN are disabled on the Actiontec and LAN is bridged to wireless and MOCA. No QOS set and everything still seems to work better. I know that the Verizon router has port triggering on TFTP and hope this is not needed.
Message Edited by prisaz on 03-28-2009 08:00 PM
Message Edited by prisaz on 03-28-2009 08:05 PM
Specialist - Level 1

looks like pixed was one of "pre-release" upgrades for VHO4.
