BBC America -- watching episodes online not happening

We now have BBC America as part of our package, yet when I try to watch episodes onlilne/streaming from the BBC America website, I get a message that says I need to subscribe to a different package for access.  What is up with this disconnect?  Has anyone had similar probelms or found a way to get access to the online BBCA shows?

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Same thing as Reported for all these special channels.  I am posting my standard reply which is for HBO but it is essentially the same. 

A bunch of things lead to problems loging into HBO GO and many other Online Channel sites.

  • You must get HBO (or whatever channel you are trying to use) from Verizon
  • At least the first time you may first have to sign out of the Verizon site.  It gets confused easily.
  • You must allow third party cookies
  • You must be running Flash, Flash must be allowed to store info for third parties.  (not sure what is used instead of FLASH on some other platforms)
  • You must not have your Browser options set to delete Information when exiting Browser.  Flash takes this as deleting information when exiting a site.

The general way it works is for you to go to HBO GO site.  Ask to look at something and it switches in a FRAME pointing to VERIZON and you signin. Verizon stores some information in flash and returns. That information must still be there so that HBO accepts you as authorized