Blaze TV - Gone
Enthusiast - Level 1

With all the junk programming available, VZ now decides to remove an information TV program. I cannot help but to believe this decision is more about politics than viewers. VZ publicly talks diversity but their action speaks of clear resistance to diverse views.

Reverse your decision and reinstate The Blaze.

75 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

It's going to be a great feeling calling up Verizon and telling them to cancel all of their services (phone, TV, internet). No more paying for a phone line I don't use. No more paying $25-$30 month for an old-fashioned DVR box using Tivo technology from 20 years ago. No more **bleep** regulatory service line fees and taxes of $50 a month. No more $65 a month equipment fees for boxes that I haven't updated in over a decade. No more 2-year contracts. No more planned price increases advertised as 12-month or 24-month discounts. Buh bye Verizon. You lost a couple hundred thousand customers last year maybe you can lose a million this year.

I looked the other way on Verizon's bad business practices because at least I felt they were giving me conservative news content that other companies were denying their customers. Now that they won't do this anymore I have no reason to tolerate all the bad behavior of Verizon and I can warn everyone online about all the decietful things that Verizon does in their billing and service agreements. 

I had Verizon FiOS since day one. I was one of the first subscribers in the country to FiOS internet and TV and they're days away from losing me permanently to their competitors.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Same here! Had the PRemium package 12 years - as soon as FIOS came to our area we switched over..

We had had DISH, then DIRECTTV + DISH... We missed a few channels DISH carried but the variety of News on VZ made us happy to overpay for terrible service.

This, the week after CRTV merges with theBlaze... is going to be worth paying the disconnect fee.-- sadly 50 Days after re-upping for 2 years...

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am planning to exit FIOS as a TV provider. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

I honestly can't believe you took Blaze TV off and leave something like VICE on....what was the actual cost for allowing it to be on the lineup? 

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am so dissappointed that Fios dropped The Blaze.  It makes you wonder if their deal with Disney included dropping this programming.  There was no warning like they gave us with the Disney deal.  Just a note on the TV screen the day of.  We have contemplated cutting the cord and now we will do so.  We bought a firestick so bye bye FIOS.  I hope others decide to do so.  Disney in exchange for Blaze is not worth it. 


Terrible channel. I say good riddance! It's gone because ratings were low no other reason. If anything Verzion would love to keep them in the lineup given all the right wing procorporate nonsense they pump out.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Q explains,

"It's gone because ratings were low no other reason"

Hmmm.... Then perhaps by that standard they should also remove some of the foreign language stations as i would highly doubt they would have such high ratings either....


@Hammer_Bro wrote:

Q explains,

"It's gone because ratings were low no other reason"

Hmmm.... Then perhaps by that standard they should also remove some of the foreign language stations as i would highly doubt they would have such high ratings either....

That's comparing apples to oranges. They probably need to have a bunch of channels in different catagories. They remove the channels with lowest rating per category not necessarily overall.

Contributor - Level 1

I never watched Blaze TV and I am a conservative.  Glen Beck has made a fool of himself during the past three years and drove off many potential viewers.  Never forgot when he stuck his face in a bowl of Cheetos mocking the president. What kind of news is that?

Enthusiast - Level 3

Q explains,

"That's comparing apples to oranges"

Well, if the argument is in line with "lower viewership", seems to be analogous to me...  I could be wrong, however, are there many who speak Chinese?  Yet, i believe we still have an International station in that regard.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I guess under the guise of some "made up conflict"  that taking BLAZE off as a voice of conservatives and those us who don't subscribe to the liberal media outlets, like "NEWSY" another like TYT on RNN.... is another atempt to silence voices that do not fall under mainstream media guidelines.... I retired from Verizon 2015.. from the looks of things, the company still needs adult supervision.. you are all incapable ... I plead with you now to please put the BLAZE back on ASAP... this will adversilly affect your bottom line... remember 50% can & will boycott/cancel all the service you provide... thats not a threat... its a promise    

Enthusiast - Level 3

Verizon-retired explains,

" liberal media outlets, like "NEWSY"..."

Do you know definitively that they are liberal?  The times i have watched them it didn't seem like they were pushing an agenda, however, their presentation style is just sooo boring.  Blaze had much more of a dynamic presentation. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

Why did Verizon jettison Blaze TV; It's Political Censorship. Verizon Corp Donates Millions 2 DEM Candidates and 2 Planned Parenthood. Glen Beck is strongly ProLife while Verizon supports Planned Parenthood & Radical Feminism. The Blaze gets higher ratings than Fake News CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, CSPAN, BBC yet they never consider removing Liberal News Outlets. Why not remove CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, CSPAN instead; you'd save even more money. Verizon wants 2 silence Conservative Voices. I believe that the Verizon Executives who made this stupid, biased, Political Decision must identify themselves. Let's Get the Names of the EXECUTIVE responsible for this Decision and ask who they voted for; and which party did they Donate. If Verizon wants to save money LET THEM FIRE THE EXECUTIVES That made the DECISION to REMOVE/CENSOR BLAZE TV. About 50% of Americans voted for Trump; So Silencing Conservative Voices is an Act of Political Censorship; and a STUPID ONE at That. I personally believe that 10% of Conservative Voters will drop FIOS TV, for another cable or Satellite Company to get BLAZE TV for $5 a month. Why can't VERIZON FIOS TV keep the BLAZE as a Pay Only Channel for $5 a month. They CAN, but It's a POLITICAL DECISION 2 Censor Conservative voices. I DON"T BELIEVE YOU should pay FEE to Verizon FIOS 4 Cancellation becaues they broke their Contract with me, by Politically Censorship; Cancelling My Favorite Channel without option to pay an additional $5 a month to get BLAZE.......

Community Leader
Community Leader

How many other providers carry Blaze?

Its not only the cost per subscriber that cable providers have to pay, but there is a fixed cost to connect to content providers.

Verizon (like other providers) know how many people watch every channel.

It becomes a business decision based on viewer ship and cost.

With Verizon being a smaller cable provider, they must not have enough viewers to justify the cost.

Most cable provider contracts allow them to delete channels at their disgression. And it does not constitute breech of contract.

Blaze is available for individual subscription BTW.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Rob explains,

“know how many people watch every channel…”

Are they accounting for DVR stats?

You further explain,

“Blaze is available for individual subscription BTW.”

The problem with that logic is we are already paying an exorbitant amount with Verizon to have the extra channels that they seemingly keep taking away. To add another subscription service on top of the costly Verizon bill is adding insult to injury, or, at least in my opinion.

Community Leader
Community Leader

I can't say for sure, but would assume yes as show ratings are account for both live and +7 viewing.

As for paying, others have stated they may switch to a provider that charges $5 to have Blaze.

Was just mentioning they can stay on Verizon and pay for a subscription as well.

Enthusiast - Level 3


Now, what do you mean by “+7 viewing”?

As for paying, others have stated they may switch to a provider

I may have stated this earlier, satellite is not really a good option, (presumably) Altice is not either… In addition, we still have phone/ internet with Verizon… so, to switch just the TV may prove cumbersome.

To purchase an independent subscription (online) to theBlaze it is costly. When i checked last, it was definitely over $60 for the year.

Community Leader
Community Leader

+7 viewing is industry speak for people that watch something on DVR within 7 days of when it originally aired.

Wasn't sure of what cost options there are available.

Just wanted to state that people are willing to pay extra for the content on another provider, yet blame Verizon for dropping it when they paid no extra.

Enthusiast - Level 3


Thanks for the response back. That said, you explain,

“+7 viewing is industry speak for people that watch something on DVR within 7 days of when it originally aired.”


You further explain,

yet blame Verizon for dropping it when they paid no extra.”

I guess that is where we part company, my dear. With at least our bill, virtually $200 per month, i feel as though we were most definitely paying for Blaze which was subsequently taken away and our bill has not been correspondingly reduced.



Community Leader
Community Leader

Would you have been ok if you bilk went up when Verizon had to pay Disney more for their deal? Or any of the other content providers that have raised their fees?

Most people would complain.

Dropping channels (either altogether or moving to higher packages) is how cable providers manage their costs given customers with fixed contracts. Channel carriage is all about cost vs viewer ship. Viewers low and/or costs high, can limit or remove carriage.

There a reason blaze has low carriage on cable systems. And it is not the political views of the cable providers. They want to make money.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Rob explains,

Would you have been ok if your bill went up when Verizon had to pay Disney more for their deal?”

Well, based on past precedent, our Verizon bill keeps going up regardless and it is not as if we have any special packages. They should have held the line with Disney’s extravagance. About the only channel worth keeping from them is Disney XD, lol. And, mark my words, Disney will only get greedier. Then what? Will Verizon continue to sacrifice channels that they feel are unneeded because they assume we value Disney so much?