Channel Line up.

Verizon Fios,

Respectfully, I do not want your TV service but it make sense to keep the bundle in that if I order only broadband connectivity from you, my cost increases exponentially.  In that we have chosen to keep TV, is it possible to customize the package? I only want three channels, however I need to spend 15$ more per month for the third channel because it is not included.  The package I have is called 'Custom;'  Will you allow me to customize the line up?  Just three channels, thats all I want...

Thank you.    

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This is a peer to peer support forum.

Couple of things:

1) All providers bundle phone, internet and to for the best price.

2) Content providers don't allow a LA carte (ie being able to pick and choose channels you want) Verizon does offer a variety of packages so look on their website to see if you can find one that fits your needs.