Clicking the verification link to watch TV online doesn't allow me to log in

Hard to explain. My family back home has a TV subscription which I use to log in to websites like HBO Go, NBC live, Starz, whatever. But I currently live elsewhere. Here we havea Verizon router but no TV sub. Sometimes when I want to watch TV online I click the verizon fios option and instead of allowing me to log in to my home username, it automatically uses the account associated with the router where I live, even though I have never personally logged in to that. And since that doesn't have a TV sub, it says I have to buy one. It gives me no other option to log in - only a link to purchase a sub. What do I do about it?

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Several people have posted this issue. I have not seen a solution.

Try contacting support 1800verizon or twitter @verizonsupport which I find to be quite helpful