DVR Recordings Missing Information
Enthusiast - Level 3

I recently upgraded my DVR to an enhanced DVR that can record 6 programs at once. While the transition has been mostly problem free, there is a problem I'm having. When I am in the "View Recordings" section, most of the recordings no longer say the season and episode number. On my old DVR every recording stated the season and episode that the recording was from but this is no longer the case.

Is there a setting I can change or something I can do to fix this? Intrestingly enough, I am able to see the season and episode details when looking at the tv guide but they do not exist when the program is recorded.

1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 3

I've found the source of the issue.

Any series that I had set on my DVR before I switched DVRs doesn't capture all the episode data when recorded. The shows that had season and episode information were the ones that I had set on the new DVR

The only solution is to delete the old series from my manager and then recreate it on the upgraded DVR.

View solution in original post

5 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

When you hit DVR and see the list of recorded programs, the episode info isn't next to the name? Same when you select program and hit info?

Under menu settings system info, what version software do you have?

Enthusiast - Level 3

No, when I look at the list is isn't next to the name and it isn't there when I hit info either. At least that is the case for most TV shows. There are one or two where the information is there. It isn't consistent.

Under Menu > Settings > System Information my middleware version is 14.28 and firmware version is KA23.02.01.05Alder.612517

Community Leader
Community Leader

For the shows that dont have it, do they have it in the guide?

Enthusiast - Level 3

They do. At this very moment I have a program recording and as I look at it in the guide, I can see it is season 2 episode 10. But if I look at it in my recordings list, it has just the title and no season and episode data.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I've found the source of the issue.

Any series that I had set on my DVR before I switched DVRs doesn't capture all the episode data when recorded. The shows that had season and episode information were the ones that I had set on the new DVR

The only solution is to delete the old series from my manager and then recreate it on the upgraded DVR.