DVR Service? Is it now free?
Enthusiast - Level 2

We never subscribed to have the DVR recording service, and today we noticed, it is now active? We never ordered it and never had it in the past, but as of today, Behold, the box we have did have a hard drive to record in it,  but we never knew this. Also I notice loging into our Verzion Online account, its showing DVR being active, it wasnt ever active before,

Odd, because we didn't order DVR services.

 Is it now free?

Any feedbackl or help on this would be appreciated.

I just want to make sure we are not going to start being charged for DVR service now.


1 Reply

@CF2010 wrote:

We never subscribed to have the DVR recording service, and today we noticed, it is now active? We never ordered it and never had it in the past, but as of today, Behold, the box we have did have a hard drive to record in it,  but we never knew this. Also I notice loging into our Verzion Online account, its showing DVR being active, it wasnt ever active before,

Odd, because we didn't order DVR services.

 Is it now free?

Any feedbackl or help on this would be appreciated.

I just want to make sure we are not going to start being charged for DVR service now.


Sometimes on service renewal, or on certain promotions like a free weekend trial that could be offered or given. If you did not order it however it may just have been added on and you may be charged for it. Look at your next invoice and see if it is included as free or you are being charged.

i would say call or chat with Verizon but that may work against you. Just wait for your next projected invoice.