DVR Sort Order
Contributor - Level 2
I change the sort order for programs recorded on my DVR and it changes when I stay on that screen but if I exit the screen and come back the sort order is always "newest" first. Is there a way to get the sort order to change permanently?
6 Replies
Contributor - Level 2
Does everyone have this same issue, anyone have a way to keep the sort order permanent?
Enthusiast - Level 2

Whoever came up the the "sort" options should be fired. Give me ONE reason why I (or any user) would want to sort the show's titles in a-z (or even WORSE) in z-a order. Z to A ?????? Come on !!!!!!!!!

No logical reason for that except is was designed by someone that has never considered user's preferences and did not show the results to a senior boss.

Now here is a USEFUL idea: Since Fios advertising promotes "binge" watching would it be logical to sort dvr shows in order by "original date shown". Oh NO!! That would be too  LOGICAL !!! If I have all 115 episodes of Burnt Notice on my dvr wouldn't it be LOGICAL that I would want to see them in order from the 1st. show to the last? Or how about in order by Season #/ Episode #.

Please get rid of the A-Z and Z-A choices. It just shows complete stupidity on the part of the people programming the user screens.

Contributor - Level 2
I agree, obviously it was programmed by someone who does not use the system. It also seems that Verizon doesn't really care about make corrections or changes. I have not seen anything change nor any comments from Verizon that they thought something was a good idea and it will be added in the future
Community Leader
Community Leader

Not sure why you only have a-z.

My DVR recordings are all by date with newest on top.

What model DVR do you have?

With quantum (can't say about legacy) you can sort by date or title.

Contributor - Level 2
bpbp00 did nit say that was the only sort order that is available. Also, you stated that your sort order is newest to oldest, try changing it to oldest to newest and try saving it in that order for futrue use and it will not work - Verizon does not care to make changes or repairs
Enthusiast - Level 1

I want a to z order for sorting between different shows.  Within a series i want airdate order, but occasionally i want to find a specific show so a to z order is needed.