DVR playback on mobile constantly pauses. On Demand does not.
Enthusiast - Level 2

Whenever we try to watch DVR'd shows on our phones the playback constantly pauses.  We usually have to reduce the quality to medium but even then it's not immune.  However we have no trouble streaming On Demand in full HD.

That would suggest an issue with either our DVR or home network, but our network consistently gets 500mbps up/down and we have no trouble recording multiple shows in HD simultaneously.  I've heard lot's of similar stories from others on this forum and elsewhere, but never hear of any solutions being found.  Does HD playback from DVR work for anyone?  Has anyone run into this and solved it? 

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Community Leader
Community Leader

I can do it without an issue.

Only time I have seen it buffer is when internet connectivity is slow.

Either poor WiFi or slow internet.