DVR skips to real-time after being paused?
Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm having an issue (what I hope is an issue) with my DVR.  If I pause a show for too long (like 30 minutes) it skips to real-time.  I unserstand only being able to hold 30 minutes or an hour in the DVR memory, but most other DVRs (not FIOS ones), will then start at the place where the DVR had been paused, not skip ahead the 30 minutes or hour to real-time.  Is this just how the FIOS DVR is or is it an issue?  I was hoping the i.7 IMG would have fixed this, but it did not seem to.


8 Replies
Master - Level 3

Unfortunately, that is the way Verizon currently has it programmed.  Agree it would be nice to just start playing from the point it dropped out of pause as opposed to live.

Enthusiast - Level 1

 Does Verizon really have it programmed that way or do you think it is a bug?  What's the point of pausing if it jumps to live when you hit play?  No real reason to pause for any real length of time.

Specialist - Level 1

I assume it has something to do with how they expect the pause feature to be used. I agree that it would be nice if it started play at the paused point. That being said, if I think that I will be away more than 30 min. I just hit record instead of pause. And if I want the recording to start where I am leaving off, I change the channel twice to clear the buffer and then hit record.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Agreed, 30 minutes may bit a bit of a stretch, but if I am watching a ball game and need to put the kids to bed with 5 minutes left in the game I would like to come back and pick up where I left off not jump to the end and potentially see the end of the game.  My wife would say that the last minute of the game is all you really need to see but I disagree.  In reality I do not pause live tv too often unless someone is talking to me when I am trying to concentrate on a program but I am surprised to hear that it functions this way.


Is this issue closed? I.e. is the pause feature NOT going to be fixed. I stopped complaining here a year ago because they kept saying wait until the next version.......

There was always a guy who would say "well then you should have....." (in this case recorded it.....blah blah...

Of course there is a way to get around all ignorant features of FIOS DVR.

We all know that all the Toyota drivers had to do was press and hold the START button for 3 seconds to stop the car when automatically accelerating!   (or was it press the Start button 3 times in a row. One of those)

I will again suggest that the DVR programmers be given free DVR at home and see how they (don't) work!

Or, give them an intelligent DVR - TiVo, and see how it should and easily could be done!

How typical....I spell checked this (on the FIOS web site!) and it wanted me to correct the misspelled  words: DVR and FIOS!!! 


One solution is to hit record if you are not sure you will be back in time. If you are and it skips ahead, you can go to the recording and play it from there while it is still recording. I know that is how I worked around it.

I have Tivo and if you only have 5 minutes left and you come back 40 minutes later, you have still missed it because you are able to only have 30 minute buffer. So yes still the same issue. You can't say Tivo is perfect either. Hit the record button if you can't spare to miss it. Pause is only for a temporary run for popcorn.Smiley Wink

Contributor - Level 2

I found that if I press record before I pause, and then come back after the show has automatically resumed, I have to FF through the recorded show to find where I originally paused .  However, changing the channel and then changing back to what you were watching first, then pressing record, will cause the recoding to begin at the point of the channel change instead of the beginning of the show.

It's a shame to have to go through this just to pause a show for more than 10 minutes or so.

Contributor - Level 1

Have you tried turning off the tv when you pause it?  I know when I've done that it seems to work better.  Otherwise, if I'm sitting here watching live i find I have to hit play/pause every so often to keep it paused where I am so it doesn't skip forward.  Or if you leave the tv on and don't need to switch the channel soon, wait for almost the entire hour to be over and then ff back quickly and dont' watch the reverse.
