Delay, video, short pauses jittery video Quantum Fios Garbage
Enthusiast - Level 1

We have been experiencing frustrating issues since we started using FIOS a year ago.  I just want to pass along something interesting:

Turn on the closed captions options and the video pauses and jitteryness reduces by about 90%!  They are annoying but it better than the stupid constant pausing while watching a program live.  I am getting a TV antenna. 


2 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

I experienced the same problem spodadically on certain channels. In other words, the channel I'm watching is all jittery, other channels are not.

But I found that if I hit the rewind button, go back 10 or 20 seconds, the problem goes away. I tried explaining it to my wife, and the best explanation I came up with is that since FIOS in a digital format, newly arrived data packets are not well organized whereas those from 20 seconds ago had time to organize themselves, eliminating the pauses.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I found rewinding works about 50% of the time because sometimes it just pauses or skips again in the same place.  But it does work.  That is the main reason I turned on the closed caption to read when it was paused or skipping, thought at least I could do that.  It ended up pausing and skipping less.

Sure wish I had a packet scanner so I could see what is going on the network.  Always wondered if my coaxil cabling job was not very good.  

