Do not want any of money going to CNN. Take it off my plan.

I want my same plan minus CNN.  I do not want one penny of my money going to them.  Please make a plan available for me to switch to.  I could have the right not to support a channel if I chose.

5 Replies
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Verizon is unfortunately forced by the media companies to bundle channels such as CNN into certain packages. It's an "All or nothing" deal with these networks. Verizon tried to offer A-La-Carte TV packages, one notably was to remove Sports channels for some savings on the bill. They were sued by ESPN for doing that.

For example, CNN is owned by Time Warner Corporation. Time Warner owns a subsidiary known as the Turner Broadcasting Group. Because of the way Turner sells their channels to carriers, if you want at least one of the following channels, you must buy them all from the media company. The media company will force all channels to be included in a package that includes at least one channel.

Turner Channels are: CNN, HLN, TBS, TNT, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Boomerang, TruTV, and Turner Classic Movies.


Capitalism works.. send demands to Time Warner then.


I am no longer interested in financially supporting CNN, at all.  CNN has been too easily and too often demonstrated to be a source of lies and disinformation, not news.  MSNBC and FOX are little better.  I note with some alarm that, while I can choose a plan which does not include MSNBC and FOX, FIOS offers no TV plans which do not include CNN.

What is verizon's plan to address this?  I am considering my options and am otherwise satisfied with my service.  CNN is so offensive that it is a problem for me going forward.  The fact that any of my subscription dollars are going to CNN is increasingly irritating.

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Read the previous reply. And I would be surprised if you can find a provider that has a plan other than local basics that doesn't offer CNN.

Specialist - Level 3

@Iggy1 wrote:

I want my same plan minus CNN.  I do not want one penny of my money going to them.  Please make a plan available for me to switch to.  I could have the right not to support a channel if I chose.

Good luck with that. You don't like it don't watch and if that is not good enough then I suggest you cancel your cable because you aren't going to find any provider that will do this.