Does FiOS TV support "double play"?
Contributor - Level 1

I'm in the processing of contemplating switching from DirecTV to FiOS TV. 

At the moment, I'm not thrilled with FTV (installed yesterday, QIP6416, QIP2500), but most of this is just because it's a different product that does things differently.

My two biggest complaints are:

1. How little "grid" information is shown in the guide. I have a 16:9 screen and think the guide could use more real estate. I looked for an option to expand the guide, but did not see it, so I'm assuming it is what it is.

2. I was shocked that my QIP6416 only has a 160GB hard drive. My HR22 with DTV is 500GB. I'm hoping I'll be able to work an upgrade (any advice there?).  

But one question I have not been able to find an answer for is the double play question. On my DTV receiver (HR22) I could have both buffers active (not recording) at the same time, and swap between them. This was perfect for watching two live shows (i.e. both tuners), and switching from one to the other (when a commercial comes on). In fact when a commercial comes on, I would hit pause, switch buffers and watch another channel (or channel surf). When I switch back playback would continue, whereby I could skip the commercials. We use this feature all the time and I feel I will miss it greatly if it does not exist in the FTV STBs. 

Does this feature exist on FTV? BTW, before implementation at DTV, the "work-a-round" was to record one show... But once we started using double play, it just became so convenient that going to the trouble to record seems downright archaic. 

Thanks for your help.



1 Solution
Specialist - Level 1
  1. The most information that can be displayed in the Guide is 6 channels for a 90-minute period. This setting can be found here: Menu > Settings > Television > Guide View > Standard View > OK > Exit
  2. The 6416 is the oldest model HD MRDVR that Verizon offers. If you subscribe to an HD package that carries channels that this model cannot decode, a message will be displayed on the screen regarding how to get a free upgrade. Otherwise it should cost $40 to get upgraded to a 500GB model.

Does FiOS offer "Double-Play"? Yes, you can pause one buffer, switch to another channel, pause that buffer and switch back and forth continuing where you left off. I have used this function in the past. I cannot say how consistently it functions. Haven't really tested out its limitations.

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1 Reply
Specialist - Level 1
  1. The most information that can be displayed in the Guide is 6 channels for a 90-minute period. This setting can be found here: Menu > Settings > Television > Guide View > Standard View > OK > Exit
  2. The 6416 is the oldest model HD MRDVR that Verizon offers. If you subscribe to an HD package that carries channels that this model cannot decode, a message will be displayed on the screen regarding how to get a free upgrade. Otherwise it should cost $40 to get upgraded to a 500GB model.

Does FiOS offer "Double-Play"? Yes, you can pause one buffer, switch to another channel, pause that buffer and switch back and forth continuing where you left off. I have used this function in the past. I cannot say how consistently it functions. Haven't really tested out its limitations.