Enabling Multi-hub
Enthusiast - Level 2

It has been two days since IMG 1.9 came to Northern Virginia.  To date IU have been unable to get mult-hub enabled.  When I use the menu option to subscribe to multi-room DVR, I get the mesage that we are not qualified for multi-room since we don't have another  non-DVR setbox.  (We have two 7100 seried DVRs).  We we try the Multi-Hub menu option, we are told that we need to first subscribe to multi-room.  I have reviewed othr postings and have done all that has been suggested--renaming the DVRs, refreshing and resetting our boxes.  Nothing works.  Any thoughts?  (In reviewing other posts, it sounds like this problem may kust correct itself if I am patient, but I want to make sure).

2 Replies
Master - Level 3

I do apologize that you are unable to enable the multi room feature directly from the box. This is something we can help accommodate for you. I have sent you a private message to get more information.

Enthusiast - Level 2

A follow up.  Worked with Verizon Support to get this fixed.