Export DVR Recordings/Increase DVR HD Size
I'm thinking of upgrading from my current 2 channel DVR to FiOS quantum TV with the 6 channel tuner. My biggest issue is that my twin 3 year olds have several movies recorded on the 2 channel DVR (most of the space is taken up by their stuff) and if I upgrade to the quantum DVR I will lose the recordings.

I was told by Verizon when I was ordering quantum that there was a way to export the recordings from the old DVR on to an external drive and import them to the new quantum DVR.

2 points.

1) Is it even at all possible to transfer these recordings to the new DVR?

2) I just got my Verizon recommended WD external esata drive. I went through the onscreen instructions for getting my external drive to work with the DVR. All it did was reboot and then go back to the TV. However, when I unplugged the esata cable and plugged it back in, a box piped up on my screen that said something to the effect of, "An unidentified external drive was detected. If you would like to use this drive then all of your current recordings will be removed. Press yes to continue." Something along those lines.

So the second question is, if I were to tell it to move forward with using the new external drive, is it going to move those recordings over to the new external drive and I will still be able to watch them?

And 3) if the recordings do in fact move over to the new external drive, is it possible to move them on to the new quantum DVR?
4 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2
i could be wrong but do some more research because it was to my understanding that a e sata cant only be formated to one device at a time. so if you would have it full from the dvr recording and you plugged it into a new quantum stb it would tell you that it didnt recognize and to format.... look into it further.. just my sugestion
Community Leader
Community Leader

No current esata for the Quantum and no hints that it is coming.


I did a live chat this morning with tech support and this is what they told me:

To export the recordings:

1. Press Menu on the Verizon Remote.
2. Scroll to DVR, press the right arrow button.
3. Scroll down to Configure & Upgrade, press OK.
4. Scroll down to Export Series to Cloud, press OK.
5. After success message, press OK.
6. Press Exit

Once after you receive the new box you can import the recordings by performing the below steps:

On the new DVR, have the customer delete any schedules located in the Series Manager folder and the View Schedule sections of the DVR Menu in IMG.
Once those folders are empty, have the customer locate a series in the Guide that was previously scheduled on the Old DVR and choose Record Series w/ Options.
Modify Series settings if the customer desires.
At this point the customer should then be prompted to Import from Cloud.

If the import fails on a replacement DVR:

You can re-attempt import 24 hours after new DVR activation. (This will allow time for the new STB to be sent from iVAPP to IMG so an association can be made for the new STB to the existing circuit.)
If import still fails, then the only option is to manually re-create the series recording settings.

I'm going to go home tonight and give it a try and see what happens.

Specialist - Level 3

@efast54 wrote:

I did a live chat this morning with tech support and this is what they told me:

To export the recordings:

1. Press Menu on the Verizon Remote.
2. Scroll to DVR, press the right arrow button.
3. Scroll down to Configure & Upgrade, press OK.
4. Scroll down to Export Series to Cloud, press OK.
5. After success message, press OK.
6. Press Exit

Once after you receive the new box you can import the recordings by performing the below steps:

On the new DVR, have the customer delete any schedules located in the Series Manager folder and the View Schedule sections of the DVR Menu in IMG.
Once those folders are empty, have the customer locate a series in the Guide that was previously scheduled on the Old DVR and choose Record Series w/ Options.
Modify Series settings if the customer desires.
At this point the customer should then be prompted to Import from Cloud.

If the import fails on a replacement DVR:

You can re-attempt import 24 hours after new DVR activation. (This will allow time for the new STB to be sent from iVAPP to IMG so an association can be made for the new STB to the existing circuit.)
If import still fails, then the only option is to manually re-create the series recording settings.

I'm going to go home tonight and give it a try and see what happens.

You were given BAD information, the person you were talking with is 100% incorrect. You CANNOT export the recordings, the ONLY thing you can export to the cloud are the dvr program SETTINGS (record series settings) NOT the actual recorded shows themselves.
There is NO way to transfer the recordings to a new DVR via the cloud, nor can you just plug in the external drive to a new box. The external drive is "married" to the box, the dvr goes bad or you get rid of it there is no way to recover the recordings on the external drive. If you upgrade the DVR you will lose all recorded shows.