FIOS DVR External Hard Drive

I have attached an esata external hard dirve to my motorola FIOS DVR.  I have connected an external esata hard drive, connect the computer and downloaded new software.  The dvr says it has updated and that the esata port is available for external hard drive usage.

How can I dtermine that the DVR "sees" the new external hard drive?

39 Replies
Master - Level 3

Sorry to hear about the troubles you are having with the e-sata drive. When the drive gets plugged into a computer first, it will format it to a computer file format. This not allow the drive to work in the DVR. Please format the drive while plugged into the DVR you are going to be using. There is a format option in the DVR menu for the external drive. If you are still having troubles after doing this, please send me a private message.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Has anyone had any luck in using a generic e-sata drive?  I recently upgraded to the new motorola DVR (QIP7237-P2) and pluged in an e-sata drive I had. I went through the process of adding the drive and the STB saw it was there but I don't think its using it.

Storage space is the same and I never saw the drive format on the STB and there is not an option to format or eject in the DVR menu.


Community Leader
Community Leader

I am using a Fantom GreenDrive 2TB eSATA drive for my external storage.  No problems.  It would appear that just about any eSATA drive as long as it  supports the up to 1500 Mbit/s eSATA interface spec will work.

Master - Level 1

lasagna wrote: "I am using a Fantom GreenDrive 2TB eSATA drive for my external storage. No problems. It would appear that just about any eSATA drive as long as it supports the up to 1500 Mbit/s eSATA interface spec will work."

I am interested in your comment because Western Digital is proving to be something of an elusive supplier.  Which particular model Fantom drive are you using, and in general what are the specifications I should consider in choosing an external drive?  Not sure I understand the "doesn't go to sleep" thing, etc.  Thanks.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Just an can buy the 1T external drive direct from WD.  I bought one 2 weeks ago, works perfect without one issue.  Go the WD website and select the WD Store top right corner.  $129.99 with free shipping.

Enthusiast - Level 2

@dave350x wrote:

Just an can buy the 1T external drive direct from WD.  I bought one 2 weeks ago, works perfect without one issue.  Go the WD website and select the WD Store top right corner.  $129.99 with free shipping.

I couldn't find the 129.99 ESata drive in the WD store as you mentioned.  Do you have the model number?

Master - Level 1

I have made three attempts to order from WD, and in each case the order has be trashed for reasons I cannot determine.  I used three different (100% valid) credit cards, but so far I have not had any sort of reasonable interaction with WD.  Whatsis?

Enthusiast - Level 2

I found out the hard way that "Just about any eSata Drive will work" is incorrect. Unless you buy one of the WD drives approved by Verizon, be sure it's 24/7 AV rated. The Western Digital drive family for this is: WD AV-GP. DO NOT use a data drive it MUST be an AV dirve. I went with a WD20EURS (2TB)


Anthony, not how to send you a PM. I am having an issue with my external HDD...having spent 2 hours on the phone with Customer/Tech support only to have them tell my ANY eSata HDD will work I purchased a 3TB GDrive (not cheap). I have since discovered that VZ does not recognize them as compatible. Quite a let down. However I need to exhaust every install option before selling this HDD (cannot return it).

My DVR is compatible and it does "see" the HDD upon reboot as it asks if I want to use the HDD. Of course I select yes and all seems well. When I go to the DVR menu it still only lists the DVR as a storage device AND there is NO option to format the external DVR.

Please help.


I have attached a 3TB (Western Digital WD AV-GP WD30EURS 3TB 64MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb)  drive to my QIP7232-P2,   the system clearly sees the drive as it boots (the activity light flickers) but beyond that it seems to not exist.    I have gone through the 'enable more storage' sequence several times with no change.

   eSATA Storage Devices states that there are no limits to the storage allowed although it does have a warning that they may be compatibility issues.   I would thing that compatibility issues would not preclude the system from using the drive,    if you're going to insist on certain exact drive types you should say so, not mumble about compatibility.

Master - Level 1

@SCWoods wrote:

I have attached a 3TB (Western Digital WD AV-GP WD30EURS 3TB 64MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb)  drive to my QIP7232-P2 ... it seems to not exist ...    eSATA Storage Devices ... does have a warning that they may be compatibility issues.   I would thing that compatibility issues would not preclude the system from using the drive ...

Not sure why one would draw such a conclusion.  If I am told two devices may not be compatible, I understand that to mean they may not work together.  See for example:

Compatabiliry usually mean they don't interoperate well, not that the sustem doesn't see them.   This drive is of the Falily that they want (designed for 24/7 operation and for data streaming.    At the very least the server should goivr some indication tat it's seen the drive.   Inany case I'll be calling FIOS in the morning to start chasing down the try this try that try the other trail.

   I did notice that the isntructions as given on the web do not match the behaivior of the device in detail or in general.


I purchased a Western Digital DVR expander that is supposed to be compatible with my Verizon-provided Motorola DVR.  However the WD-provided cable has eSata connectors on both ends and the DVR has only a USB connection.  Western Digital says they do not have a cable that will work.  So, should I send the DVR expander back or get another cable?  If another cable, what should I get?


I discovered the solution to my problem.  The eSATA port is hidden beneath the power plug on the rear of the DVR and I didn't see it when I first tried to connect the expander.  My expander is now connected with the eSATA cable and is working fine.  First thing I recorded was NFL replay of Green Bay's win over San Diego.  Go Green Bay!!  If Big Ben and Pittsburgh get it together we can have a Super Bowl rematch.

Enthusiast - Level 3
Oops, Andrew figured it out. Smiley Very Happy

Does anyone know if 3TB drives work?  I see 2TB drives seem to be OK.


I have a Samsung tv that has media player capabilities. I bought a 2TB USB drive and loaded all of my movie files ( AVI and MP4 file types) and it operates as a DVR playback system.

My question is, can I plug this same drive into my FIOS DVR set top box and access my movies through my FIOS DVR system now?

Master - Level 3

@mxfxdlg wrote:
My question is, can I plug this same drive into my FIOS DVR set top box and access my movies through my FIOS DVR system now?

The simple answer is no.  The external drive and the DVR are "married" and the drive encrypted to prevent piracy (thank the MPAA).  If you plug the drive into the DVR the first thing that will happen is that the DVR will ask if you want the drive formatted.  If you say yes you will lose everything on the drive.  Saying no will leave the drive unattached.


Thanks for the straight answer.

So what are the tricks, if any, that folks are doing to get around this roadblock. I just want to be able to access movies throughout the house without having to move the HD every time I do.

Can I load a "Fios formatted" external drive with movies via my computer or any other way?

Contributor - Level 1

@mxfxdlg wrote:

Thanks for the straight answer.

So what are the tricks, if any, that folks are doing to get around this roadblock. I just want to be able to access movies throughout the house without having to move the HD every time I do.

Can I load a "Fios formatted" external drive with movies via my computer or any other way?

I don't think you will be able to do this through the FIOS DVR.

You will have to resort to a media server or media streaming device.  If you are lucky, your TV or DVD player will be DLNA compatable and allow for direct streaming from a media server (or your desktop PC if you so choose).

Since my HDTV does not do this, I use a networked Acer Revo mini computer attached to my HDTV and installed Boxee and XBMC to access and play movies from my main PC on my TV.

However, if you want a simpler solution, just buy a Boxee Box and it will stream all sorts of content from your local network/PCs as well as the internet.