FIOS dropping WJAR TV as of 12/31/11
Enthusiast - Level 1

WJAR TV is my source for my local news and NBC programing. You agreed to provide these programs a year ago, when I signed to buy your product. Now you are going to renege on your contract, I don't find this an acceptable way of doing business.


28 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

Well, this would be outrageous if it happens. We have seen in the past that a major network station makes the situation look grim as far as reaching a deal but then it happens just in time. I cant imagine it would be off of Fios for long, but who knows. Fios will lose a lot of customers if they don't broadcast the super bowl, that's all I know.

I can't remember the last time a major provider did not have a local abc, nbc, cbs, fox station at least in sd if not hd, for any period of time in a medium sized market like Providence.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I just started with Verizon Fios this past September. If this does happen, and they cannot resolve there issues I will be forced to switch back to Cox. I will also rethink my cell carrier options. Not a good way to build  customer support.  

Enthusiast - Level 1

Verizon will loose me as a customer if this happens! Its just not right to try to take football away! Especially during the playoffs. And its my local news station. i will complain for as long as I have to to see this doesn't happen. If anyone has any idea who to contact or how to keep this from happening please let me know.

Enthusiast - Level 1

This is outrageous! I can't believe that Verizon is thinking of dropping WJAR! Cut off the Super Bowl? Are you kidding me?

This is the only station that Verizon can cut? Come on! I also rely on Channel 10 for local news and weather! I will not forget this once the contract is up! Who made this decision? This is upsetting!

Enthusiast - Level 1

If Verizon drops wjar, which as a Verizon customer I am already paying for this channel, I will switch to cox ASAP.  The idea of this happening has infuriated me and my family. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

This is just stupid.  How can Verizon expect to keep people happy without a local source for a major network?  Quite frankly, my family watches a majority of the shows we watch from NBC.  If Verizon fails to carry them, we will end up returning to Cox Cable.  Considering the Superbowl and most of the NFL playoffs will be broadcast on NBC, I have the feeling Verizon will lose many customers to Cox in the next two weeks unless Verizon comes to their senses and works out a deal with WJAR.

Enthusiast - Level 2

If Verizon does not work out an agreement with WJAR NBC Rhode Island, I will cancel both my internet and cable services! I will be happy to return to Directv and a free years subcription of the NFL package they are offering me to return. I thing Verizon's service and On Demand package has been great. However NBC is one of my favorite channels and I will not chose to pay a provider that doesn't wish to carry it for money reasons.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Also, for everyone that has posted on here, I recommend posting the NBC article on Facebook and tell all your friends that have Verizon service.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I found out about this while watching the Sunday night game.  I just got Verizon two weeks ago and I don't think it's going to happen.  I'm sure it's not just WJAR.  I bet there are other NBC channels having the same issue.   Both parties need each other.  If Verizon just drops it, people will convert to Cox or some other service.  (Cox is begging me to come back.)  On the other hand, if Verizon drops the station, WJAR loses a big chunk of its audience.  Now most Rhode Islanders would probably switch.  But I'm not sure about the Massachusetts customers.  Do they get the Boston and Providence stations?  If so, they might not care.

In the long run, they will come to terms.   It's in everyone's interest, especially Verizon's.  With that said, I would contact Verizon directly and tell them you will switch if they drop WJAR.  I'm still in my 30 day window and would contact Cox in a heartbeat to get the best deal available.

Enthusiast - Level 1

if verizon drops wjar i will surely drop verizon when i signed up local channels were part of the plan i will gladly switch to cox 


If Verizon drops channel 12 (wjar) I will be dropping verizon.We pay $180 a month for our package and that includes chanel 12. I ,like so many others have had it with games these companies play.Screw with your customers and see   how they'll boycott your business. 

Contributor - Level 3

Hi rjoanne67,

It looks like this thread is over a year old, and the information is not current.



I am from Rhode Island also. My family has watched Channel 10 news for as long as I can remember. My parents have watched it since it came over the airwaves. I love my FiOS, but if I can't get my local channel 10 news and weather every day, I will switch back to DirectTV. We all pay for our local channels, and we should be able to keep them. What I want to know is WHY they plan to remove it. It can't possibly be because there aren't enough viewers! I hope Verizon changes their plan because it looks like they will be losing quite a few customers.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I won't go to Cox.  I'll simply pick up the station over the air in HD.  What bothers me is that other than a notice on WJAR's broadcast, I haven't heard anything from Verizon.

Apparently things like this aren't important enough to involve the subscribers.  It would be nice if Verizon would send a notice out.  Is NBC going to be covered by another broadcaster or do we lose it all together?

With all the money I send to Verizon each month, I expect better than this.  SHAME ON YOU VERIZON.


Enthusiast - Level 3

This is really just another retransmission consent fee dispute. The result will be higher monthly cable bills from cable TV subscribers and less local news. It affects all the cable TV and satellite providers and their customers.

Go to Google and search for "retransmission dispute".

Two articles worth reading:

From the first article:

"This year there have been blackouts in more than thirty markets. Earlier this year, one broadcaster even pulled the plug on a local station in the Gulf Coast, depriving viewers of critical news and weather updates as Tropical Storm Lee approached thousands of homes. These tactics raise significant questions as to whether the public interest is actually being considered and served."


 "No matter how it’s measured, broadcaster commitment to localism through local news and information programming hasn’t kept up with skyrocketing retransmission payments.

Instead of supporting local programming, retransmission fees now seem to be going straight to the bottom line of the Big Four broadcast networks (ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox). NBC, for instance, is seeking 50% of all retransmission consent revenues obtained by its local affiliates.

The FCC must take note of this significant disconnect between retransmission revenue and local programming. Despite serving as an increasingly significant revenue source for broadcasters, retransmission fees are not accomplishing Congress’ original goal of serving the informational needs and interests of local communities."


"I won't go to Cox.  I'll simply pick up the station over the air in HD.  What bothers me is that other than a notice on WJAR's broadcast, I haven't heard anything from Verizon.

 Apparently things like this aren't important enough to involve the subscribers.  It would be nice if Verizon would send a notice out.  Is NBC going to be covered by another broadcaster or do we lose it all together?

With all the money I send to Verizon each month, I expect better than this.  SHAME ON YOU VERIZON."

Agree. I blame WJAR (local NBC affilliate) as much as verizon for this dispute since the amount WJAR  proposes to charge for retransmission fees is outrageous.  I do agree, however, that Verizon has an obligation to it's subscribers to provide information on actions like this.  Would also like info about coverage by another broadcaster.  -And will our rates go down (HAH) when we lose this coverage? I'm confused about your reference to picking up the station on HD.  WJAR is broadcast in our area on channel 10, or in HD on channel 510.  Does this mean that we will still be able to see the same content on 510?  

Enthusiast - Level 3

@Dionsa wrote:

 I blame WJAR (local NBC affilliate) as much as verizon for this dispute since the amount WJAR  proposes to charge for retransmission fees is outrageous.    

Blame Comcast instead. Half the money WJAR wants from Verizon will go to NBCUniversal which is part of Comcast.


Would someone please inform me if WJAR will definitely be removed from our lineup ... If so goodbye Verizon .

Contributor - Level 1

We won't know for sure if we are going to lose wjar until sunday morning when the new year starts. I doubt verizon will make any statement on it until at least next week or maybe if a deal is reached before then.

If Verizon drops WJAR I will go back to Comcast. I switched from Comcast because I felt that Fios was better, it appears that I may have been wrong.