FiOS TV upgrade from Ethernet only Internet Install
Enthusiast - Level 1

Just upgraded to Triple Play a few days ago and I have a self-install kit coming.  I checked out the instructions for getting everything hooked up online and realized that when the original FiOS install was done around 7 years ago, it was an internet only, provisioned for full ethernet.  There is no coax whatsoever.  The ONT has ethernet cat5 hooked to it up to the MI424WR router (old model - silver/black with one antenna) and out to my internet devices.  So where do I go from here to get FiOS TV and all its features working correctly?  I ordered the newest model router to replace the old (discontinued) one and have the self-install kit arriving shortly.  I don't have a second router to add to the setup, but I do have coax cable to connect to the ONT and possibly run a feed to the router (or splitters?)  Would I have to swap out the ethernet with coax and have them flip the switch on the ONT or can I run coax (video only) from the ONT to the router or splitters to feed to the two STB units that I have arriving and will that give me all the TV features such as VOD and the Program guide and later possible DVR service?  What would be the best way to do this?

2 Replies
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Run coax to a splitter. Hook one leg to router. Hook other to feed stbs. You can keep internet on Ethernet to wan port of router

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As I've seen lately that Verizon is keeping Internet on the Ethernet leg only depending on speed and since you already have it installed that way, it is likely that you'll stay internet over Ethernet (unless you really want to force the issue).

So, in this case ... install the new router in place of your old router with no changes.  It'll work just like the old one.  Next, connect coax to your ONT and then use properly rated splitters to split the signal to go to each STB and to the router.  The router will bridge the ethernet between your local wired ethernet/wireless and the coax network to give the STB's a path to the internet.  

If you decide to remove the Ethernet for Internet (or Verizon decides to switch you), once you have the setup in place above and working, you would need only to disconnect the ethernet cable to the ONT and have Verizon make the switch the internet of coax (and potentially a router reboot which may require a little Verizion assistance to insure your MAC is released so you can DHCP a new internet address).  The router will handle both internet over Coax and local LAN over cox simultaneously (technically called MoCA, it will use two different frequencies on the coax to manage the signals).