Fios TV Mini Boxes Skipping or Stopping

I love in Howard Beach, NY. I upgraded to the new Fios TV mini boxes and I HATE THEM already! From the first installation this has been happening and it is ANNOYING! Does anyone have a fix?

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@MrsHD wrote:

I love in Howard Beach, NY. I upgraded to the new Fios TV mini boxes and I HATE THEM already! From the first installation this has been happening and it is ANNOYING! Does anyone have a fix?

I'm going to assume you have the mini hooked up wirelessly. That is going to be a problem no matter what you have been told, the mini's just do not function well in most cases when hooked up to a wireless network. You have to either use Ethernet cable to hook it up, or get a wireless extender, hook it to the mini with an Ethernet cable, and set up the extender on your wireless network.