Fios TV One, no sound from sound bar

I am having the same problem with my new FIOS TVOne unit. My mini TVOne box is connected to the Samsung Q7CnTV with HDMI and the TV is connected to the Polk Audio surroundbar 5000 with an Optical cable.

I get sound from the soundbar at the time of the Quantum TV setup and it sounds wonderful, but no sound from the new Media Server DVR after I set up the set-top box connection.  FIOS works through the TV speakers. Another strange thing is that the soundbar works with Youtube through the smart hub app.

Please help!!!!

(FYI - My old verizon DVR box works with the soundbar using the same connections).

1 Solution
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Community Leader

Get your remote and go to STB. Push power off on STB and quickly press "OK" twice on remote. You should see b&w menu page. Hit left arrow on center of remote until you see 4 menu options, choose user menu. Go to additional HDMI settings, choose audio, switch to LPCM, exit out of menu. Turn box back on, you should have sound.

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9 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

Get your remote and go to STB. Push power off on STB and quickly press "OK" twice on remote. You should see b&w menu page. Hit left arrow on center of remote until you see 4 menu options, choose user menu. Go to additional HDMI settings, choose audio, switch to LPCM, exit out of menu. Turn box back on, you should have sound.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Worked perfectly! Thx!


Does not work.  I have the same setup.

Enthusiast - Level 1

neither of the above solutions worked for me...  Sharp TV w/ Samsung sound bar connected via digital audio cable.   Worked fine w/ old cable box, doesn't work w/ new one...


Did you ever get it to work? This proposed solution didn’t work for me either.

Community Leader
Community Leader

@BobbyKane0322 wrote:

Did you ever get it to work? This proposed solution didn’t work for me either.

We need details to help. What TV, Soundbar, how is it wired, optical or HDMI, AV receiver? No sound from everything or just soundbar? Did you try going directly from Fios box to soundbar?



Steps to control your TV or Audio using your Fios TV Voice Remote.

After you’ve paired your Fios TV Voice Remote to your set top box, HDMI-connected TVs and Audio systems should automatically be detected and be controlled by your Fios TV Voice Remote.

  1. Go to Menu > Settings > Voice control > Fios TV Voice Remote > Program Voice Remote > Automatic Setup
    1. Once the automatic setup completes you’ll see a “Success” message in the top right of the TV screen,
    2. If this does not work for you, please skip to step 2.
  2. Go to Menu > Settings > Voice control > Fios TV Voice Remote > Program Voice Remote > Manual Setup
    1. Select your TV or Receiver Brand and Model and follow the steps,
    2. You will see a “Success” message in the top right of the TV screen when the setup is complete.
Enthusiast - Level 1

Figured I'd post what worked for me since I couldn't actually find anything here actually addressing the issue.  I have a 2020 Android TV with Arc.  I have a sound bar connected via Arc, although doesn't really matter.  The problem is for whatever reason the Fios box and the TV lose their sound connection. Sound works fine with sound bar or if I switch the tv to it's own speakers when using apps (HBO, Netflix, etc...), but when I switch to TV no sound.  I reached a Fios rep who understood the problem and stated that the Fios box and TV lost their sound connection.  They had me do the following: Pull the power cord from the TV and the Fios Box.  Plus unplug the HDMI from the Fios Box.  Wait 30sec-1min, then plug the HDMI back in.  Plug the Fios Box back in.  Plug the TV back in.  Once everything rebooted I had sound again. Yeahhh.  That was about 2 weeks ago.  It just happened again and the same process fixed it again.  Definitely a annoying, but at least it works and only takes like 3 minutes to fix.  Hope this helps others out there.  FYI, I have the older DVR Box 7232.

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