Fios TV is trimming off part of my screen display
Enthusiast - Level 2

I have Verizon Fios Internet & TV Bundle and live in Maryland. When I watch any channel I frequently see part of the image cut off on the right or left size. As you might guess – this is very annoying and makes it difficult to understand the news. My television is probably about 10 years old but it has always worked just fine when I lived in Texas. What is causing this problem?

I would attach a snapshot of the image but that option is not allowed, and when I click on insert Photos that options does nothing.

1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 2

I came across a solution for this just by chance.  I have another 4:3 SD TV that does not use FIOS.  Instead I get over-the-air broadcasts using a retail converter box.  When that box died I purchased newer digital converter called RCA DTA880.  Oddly, this has more options than the FIOS converter box, and this solved my display problem.

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12 Replies
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Does it happen on  both SD and HD channels?

Have you tried hitting the # button on the remote?

It changes the size of the picture.

Or check the remote for your TV to see if it has a size option.


I have the same problem.  New TV last week.  Size button on remote does nothing.  I only have SD.  Any other possible fixes?  Thank you!

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How are you connecting to TV?

Do you have SD stb or digital adapter?

It might be that TV doesn't display SD content well.

Enthusiast - Level 2

With my setup the output from the cable box goes into my Panasonic DVR, and then into the TV. I normally only watch local channels, CBS, NBC, and public television. The display problem is not always noticeable, but for example, if the program left justifies the credits I would not be able to see the first three letters of each word. Yes, I tried the # button on the remote and also various menu options on tv remote. Nothing has fixed this.

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Try bypassing DVR. It is probably not HD and may be causing an issue.

What outpout of stb is connected to DVR?

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This looks like your using a 4:3 SD TV but have the box set to 16:9 display mode.   I don't have the Vz boxes (I use Tivo), but there should be a video settings menu where you can specify that you have a 4:3 SD TV display.  I'd start your search there.

Also, make sure you are watching the SD version of the channel (lower numbers) and not the HD version of the channel (usually starting in the 500's).

Enthusiast - Level 1

Thank you, CRobGauth! I have been trying to figure this out for hours, and after resetting my settings numerous times, googling, and trying to sort through Fios FAQ’s, the # sign was the answer! Thank you for saving my sanity! 


For whatever reason, (in my area anyway) FiOS letterboxes all the national channels for the SD only STB but does a 4X3 cutout on the local channels.  There is no setting in the box for this.  

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Probably the "4x3 cutout" is done by the local channel providing the feed to Verizon.  Verizon has chosen to mostly do the letterbox for SD of channels that are provided as 16x9 HD nationally.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I am not exactly sure what a 4x3 cutout means, but I suspect this is correct regarding the local channel providing the feed.  And that is because I tried viewing local channels without Fios, and just used the digital converter box on the old TV.  Still got the same result.  I have to wonder if Verizon could offer something to fix this annoying problem.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I came across a solution for this just by chance.  I have another 4:3 SD TV that does not use FIOS.  Instead I get over-the-air broadcasts using a retail converter box.  When that box died I purchased newer digital converter called RCA DTA880.  Oddly, this has more options than the FIOS converter box, and this solved my display problem.

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